Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Percy jackson and the last olympian

this is the main show down and also my favourite book through the whole series. it is diffrent to others as that we do not have a quest individually by campers but everyone in camp them-selves have to go to the warzone and fight for olympus.

you will then feel the coldness in the night of monster yelling and the look of sleeping mortals. everyone will sleep like dead and percy get to fight kronos in one-on-one. it is a lief and dead story so hold on tight while you're still alive.

this is the end of it all.

Percy jackson and the battle of the labyrinth

in this book, the war have started.

Campers died alot and we met one of annabeth & tyson siblings.. he is famous for the creations he create and a crime that he have commited. the jail of the minotaur is destroy.

that is about all i can tell cause this book is not the one you can talk about, you'll just have to read and experience the advature.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

I'm sure you've all heard about Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling. I think Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban is one of the best book in Harry Potter series. In this book Harry Potter got into the 3rd grade but the school in tension of the prisoner who ran away. Then Harry potter finally noticed that he was his father and mother's best freind, Serious Black. Ron's pet, rat scrabber was found out to be a friend of his father's who betrayed. Then the rat ran away and one of his proffessor became an wolf man. Harry went back to the past by using time turner and he saves the giant bird and Serious Black.
I love this book because it is imaginative and exciting. I definetly suggest you if you did not read this book.

Octavian Nothing by M.T. Anderson

This book gave me nightmares. It is the story of a boy that betrayed the entire kingdom, murdered those who were against his belief (including the king and his mother) and was then haunted by their spirits. This book is not for the light-hearted. I recommend it if you think you can take it!

Percy jackosn and the titans's curse

this book is amazing and it is probably the only book with a good ending so far. it also make us want to read the fourth book as the character Grover just mention that the great god Pan had speak to him. this make us want to read more & more until we find out what happened to Grover and does it ends up good.

also this book is the first one so far to show that Percy can face a titan. we met Atlas the titan who now is holding the weight of the sky. we also met artemis the goddess huntress so here is when she does help Percy to save the world.

there is also two other demi-gods who also join camp they will help in the big war.

to understand more about what i am talking about, you got to read this book.

The Valley of Thorns by Patrick Carman

I have been glued down to this book in all my free time, which is quite small........but I have now finished the book. The book is called the Valley of Thorns because most of the story is set there. Sadly, I have noticed that this is a sequal to another book so there is a lot of important information that I still don't understand. Over all, this book is pretty cool. It has it's twistes, mysteries. However, I do not recommend this book if you have not read the first books in the seires. This book is definitly for lovers of war.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Red Pyramide_Kane Chronicles

The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt are far from dead and buried. And so, unfortunately are their gods...

In this first book of this series (Kane chronicles), Carter and Sadie Kane
went with their dad in the British museum. Not knowing that their dad, a brilliant Egyptologist, has a secret plan which unfortunately will go horribly wrong:
An explosion explosion shatters the Rosetta Stone and unleashes
Set... The Evil god of chaos!

Set imprisons Dr Kane in a golden coffin, living our two heros forced to run for their lives.

To save their dad they have to embark on a terrifying quest from Cairo and Paris to the American South-west and discover the truth about their family's connection with the House of Life:
an Egyptian temple of magic that has existed for a thousand of years!!

Think that's tough enough?

I didn't even tell you half of it...

What do I think about it?
One word... AWESOME!!!! I read it two times!! I never get bored of the story!! All of Rick Riordan's books involves gods, which in this one involves the Egyptian gods...
Well... that's what I think about Rick Riordan's books.( read each of his books two times, some of them three).

Marc Meinhardt 8s

How To Be A Pirate by Cressida Cowell - Dylan 8S

How to be a pirate is a thrilling adventure full of suspence and will this or this happen moments? Hiccup wants to get treasure but Alvin the Treacherous wants to capture them and keep the treasure to himself. This book is really enjoyable with the amount of action and pages. It's very simple to understand making it very enjoyable to many readers. I reccommend picking up this book but if you hate 200+ pages then sorry get something else.

So much to tell you

The author John Marsden is a great writer. He uses a variety of powerful vocabulary that grabs the readers attention. John Marsden makes the reader feel the same emotion as the character in the book is going through. An example of this is when the character in the book is scared by her past, she has withdrawn into silence. This shows that it is a sad scene and the you will feel the same emotion if you read the book. John also adds a dash of hummer at some points in the novel 'so much to tell you'. At some parts in the book it can grab your attention and will make you want to reed on and on and on. Other parts in the novel aren't so interesting, but overall i personally think that this book is great for readers aged 10-14. In addition i think if you are aged 10-14 you will find the book more enjoyable because you will understand the theme and whats going on in the book better.

So Much to Tell You - By:Louise

It is about a girl who is sent to boarding school after being kept at hospital. Her mother and step-father don't really care much for her and her biological father is in jail. You know nothing about her but you find out more about her while reading on. She tells you about the girls at boarding school and how she begins friendships with some of them without using her voice. Through-out the book you get an idea of what her father did to her to go to jail and she realises that she does not hate him. Therefore she goes to see him and talks for the first time in a long time. It is only in the ending chapter you find out what her name is.

I liked this book because the author uses narrative style like we learnt about in class. It also gives you so much information on some of the characters that you feel a bit like you know them. And you get to see how she grows through-out the book, she begins talking, making friends and feeling more brave. The book is written in first-person which makes it more fun to read because it tells you how she feels or how she felt.

It's a good book by John Marsden.


Breakfast at Sadie's - Lee Weatherly - By: Christies

One book i have read recently before is called, Breakfast at Sadie's.

The main character is named SADIE.

This book shows how a teenage girl who's father had died recently while his mother recovers from an accident in the hospital, her aunt was her source of supervision although Sadie's Aunt left to her boyfriend. This leaves Sadie alone with a friend named Marcus running the B and B store (bed and breakfast) and her school life, trying to pull it off, she gets found out by one of her teachers and has been represented as a brave girl to pull off such a difficult task. Sadie wasn't able to tell anyone apart from Marcus about this plan for she thought that she would get into trouble for her doing.

The reason why i think this book is quite interesting is because it uses the narrative styles that I have been learning in class, there is a series of vocabulary and sentence structures making the story interesting. It isn't thrilling but it can relate to real events in reality. The structure builds up from a stubborn girl once known to a girl with a hard core shell but a soft heart. This story also represents Character build up, for example how Sadie has built up from the starting of the story. I enjoyed reading this book quite a lot

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Surprises according to Humphrey

This book is about this hamster called Humphrey and he is the classroom hamster in room 26 of Longfellow school. He love his life as the classroom hamster because it's always full of surprises.
There are lots of surprises that entertains Humphrey like fire alarms ringing, whistles blowing, Wacky wednesday, new toys for him to play with but there are some things that Humphrey didn't like: meeting an unfriendly cat and also aliens? It will be hard for him as the classroom's hamster when there are too many surprises to handle.

percy jackson and the sea of monsters

in this series of percy jackson, it is more enjoyable to read. the book is less thicker than it was in the book 1 "percy jackson and the lighting thief".

the part i like the most about this is that it show us more information about greek and the bad charactors such as, luke, kronos...

the author rick riordon basically uses other greek mytholigy things to add into his story and example the golden fleece, hydra, hercules, gods...

this book seems to me is a very entertaining thing that i can use everyday to cheer my-self up and i know you will enjoy it too!!!



Airman in my opinion is a adventurous and swashbuckling book that contains all different kinds narrative styles, highs and lows, figurative language, short simple sentences etc. Summary- One horrible dark night on the island of Great Saltee, the young fourteen-year-old Conor is acused for a terrible crime he didn’t commit, something he would never do. Thrown into prison by the dastardly and vain, unpleasent Hugo Bonvilain, Conor is trapped in a seaswept dungeon without fun, laughs, and no emotion goes through his head, everyone acuses poor Conor a traitor, a unloved person that deserves this punishement. He must escape and clear his name; he wants his old life back with his family, his friends . . . and his princess, a special girl in his life.Conor knows that there is only one unpicturable task for a way out of this prison. It’s an impossible task, which has never been done before by a human. But Conor is determined to do it. He’ll have to fly to leave and tell the truth that will pay.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fading Echoes - Erin Hunter

Fading Echoes is the second book, of the fourth series of Warriors by Erin Hunter. The second book of The Fourth Apprentice stars Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Dovepaw, three warriors (well, one's an apprentice) in Thunderclan with out of the ordinary powers, who have a prophecy to one day hold the power of the stars in their paws. Lionblaze is a fearless fighter, strong enough to beat any enemy, while his brother, Jayfeather is blind, but he can read other cats' feelings and thoughts, and can go into their dreams. Their distantly related friend Dovepaw (their grandfather's nephew's granddaughter) can hear, scent and sometimes see things at an amazing distance, which makes her a great hunter.
The three cat must hide their powers from Firestar and the rest of the clan, and Dovepaw finds it difficult to hide it from her sister, Ivypaw, because they were so close, until Jayfeather told her a story about how he was so close with his brother and sister, and when Hollyleaf found out she wasn't one of the three, she almost destroyed their place in the clan, and killed herself.
Meanwhile, Ivypaw is distraught because she knows her sister is hiding something from her. Tigerstar, a name feared by all the clans because of what he did when he was alive, who is now in the Dark Forest (sort of like hell), takes advantage of this, and sends his son Hawkfrost, who is also in the Dark Forest, to her in her dreams to teach her fighting skills, which makes her feel important as she thinks he is a Starclan cat, teaching her fighting. Things go wrong when he tells her Shadowclan is planning an invasion, and she tells Firestar, and he sends his warriors to Shadowclan to tell them an attack is not necessary, and they set their scent markings further up the territory to show they mean it. Shadowclan fights back, of course, because they really aren't planning an attack. Ivypaw, Dovepaw and Lionblaze fight fiercely with their clan mates, but Shadowclan still has the advantage, and their deputy, Russetfur, kills one of Firestar's nine lives as a leader. to stop her killing any more, Lionblaze tries to drag her away, but accidentally kills her. The book ends there with him realizing that Tigerstar had caused the battle, because in the books in The Power of Three he was taken advantage of by the Dark Forest cat, and he starts to wonder what other cats are as well, apart from Breezepelt (A windclan cat), Tigerheart (Tigerstar's grandson from Shadowclan) and Ivypaw.

~Gabby Cullen 8S :D

Percy Jackson & the last olympian

This book is fantastic! It is the last book( the fifth book) in the series Percy Jackson and this is my favourite book out of the whole series. I like it most because everything since the beginning of the book has jump to a conclusion and have a great ending.
In this book it has more action and much more adventure in the last few books, it is about the final battle between the Greek Gods and the Titans. Percy Jackson needs to save the Greek gods and defeat the Titans, but Percy is finding it very difficult. Throughout the book he goes on different adventures and meet different people helping him on his quest to defeat the Titans but time is running out and Percy needs to figure everything out. It is a mixture of all the famous Greek Myths stories and it will be very easy to understand if you know some of the stories or the monsters in Greek Myths too.
There are many shocking moments in this book, sometimes you never find it coming. Rick Riordan - the author, is an incredible writer and I recommend you read Percy Jackson if you like fantasy books but you should start with the 1st book!

The Princess Diaries

Mia is a normal girl; she goes to school, she hates algebra and she's in love with the hottest guy in school. But when her dad reveils that he is the price of Genovia, Mia finds out that she is the next heir to the throne and she obviously freaks out. Her dad says that she has to move to Genovia to live in a castle with him and her grandmere, but Mia tells him that that's never ever gonna happen. I enjoy reading this book because it's interesting to read about how Mia's caracter develops and I can easily relate to her caracter and her actions.

Caroline 8s

Storm - The infinity code By E.L. Young

This book is one of my favorite books. In this book the main chracter Will knight who is the genius inventor makes a team named 'Storm' with his friends Andrew Minkel (software millonair), caspian Baraban (brillant astrophysicist) and Gaia Carellas (chemist who likes to blow things up). Will Knight makes things like 'fly spy'(robot fly that shows us what it is seeing), 'soft landing'(protects you when you are jumping from the building), 'rapid ascent'(using ropes to climb up the building) and 'ratty'(robot rat that can go through the wall by making a hole. It also has a camera that shows waht rat is watching). After the team was made they firstly saved an airplane which was in a great danger running out of oil. Then Andrew found out that cutler is planning to destroy the new space station with black hole and the members of the Storm sneak inside the place and blow up the place which had all the important information about black hole.

Ranger’s apprentice review

The Burning Bridge is the second book of the series. It is about Morgarath-who has prepare an intricate plan to attack Araluen from three fronts. In addition to his warriors, Morgarath has arrange the Wargals, half-human, half-beasts, and the Skandians- skillful mercenaries, to fight in the war.. On a special mission for ranger, Will and his friend-Horrace travaled to Celtica to discover the truth by his master order-Halt.When Will and Horace travel to neighboring Celtica to deliver a message about the war, they find out that the area has been abandoned, everything disappear, and even the mines, border posts become desert. Despite on the result, Will senses that Moragrath could involve in this disaster. But as we can see, the one like Moragrath would never leave a shadow of doubt, he had destroyed the King’s army while Will on the way to Celtia. Morgarath has enslaved the Celts and is using them to build a bridge that will allow his army to across the mountains and attack Araluen by surprise. Along the way, Will and Horace find a terrified girl named Evanlyn hiding in bushes. The Wargals attacked her party, and she was the only survivor. Will and Evanlyn successfully burn the bridge, but unfortunately, they are captured by the Skandians, who are led by Erak.At the same time, King Duncan's war planners are developing a plan to trick and hopefully defeat Morgarath once and for all. One wrong move or mishap could lead to the downfall of Araluen.

The Truth about Forever - Sarah Dessen

this is an amazing book. one of my favorite books.

its about a girl named Macy. Since her father died, her world has turned around. she gave up running; what she used to do with her father and her passion, she left her friends, and she devoted herself to her all perfect boyfriend, Jason.. well at least she thought he was.
she thought by making her perfect, like her boyfriend, everything will be alright again.

Although, when her boyfriend leaves for camp over the summer, he wanted to put their relationship on hold. so then, she ends up having a part time job for catering with a bunch of crazy people she met at a party her mom threw.
Macy starts making friends with them and starts being really close friends with Wes, a gorgeous and artistic co-worker. He understands her, because he had also lost a parent. Macy starts to feel like she belongs and for the first time since her dad died, she fells happy, truly happy. she starts to go out more and her mom is worries.
Her mother disapproves of her friends and banns her from contacting them ever again. She also forces her to quit the catering job.
Macy however, keeps in touch with Wes. but when she sees him with his girlfriend, she feels heart broken.
then, unexpectedly, Jason turns up on her mom's open house party and asks if they can go back together...
Does Macy want go back to her oh-so-perfect boyfriend and her family, or does she finally listen to her heart and follow it wherever it goes?


The East End Murders ( Dead Quiet)

This is a great book. This book is about a mystery about a young girl called Melanie Tully and she was poisoned with arsenic in her food. Her sister Alice Tully is a suspect because she had heated the food for Melanie and the arsenic bottle was found in her bag with her fingerprints on it. The detective is a very young girl her name was Patsy and she soon discovers that Alice Tully was not the murderer even though a lot of evidence points towards her. Soon Patsy finds out that Alice Tully had ran away from home a couple days after the murder of her sister Melanie Tully. Patsy started to look for clues of where Alice could have went. Patsy was then lead to a abandoned shack in a deserted town. When she was about to leave because there was no one in the shack she suddenly heard a voice it was a screaming noise but when she went towards the voice Patsy got attacked and she was thrown into a cell locked with doors and there was no way out. When she looked around that was when she saw Alice Tully was tied up. Patsy immediately asked what had happened to her and Alice revealed the tale.Of how she arrived here and that she did not actually ran away and instead she was kidnapped and captured here for already three days without any food or water. Soon they would have to figure out how to get out of this place and to find out who is behind all of these strange actions. Patsy has a lot to figure out and she has to do it fast before another murder take place. Who will be next? There is a lot of danger coming towards Patsy and will she be able to face it ....

Friday, October 1, 2010

Percy jackson and the Lightning Thief

This book has lots and lots of mythical creature in it and lots of action and adventure that the main character Percy Jackson have to face to be able to know or rather to find who the actual lightning thief. So the actual story plot started when percy was a young innocent senior student. After the lightning bolt were stolen percy was the biggest suspect as being the Lightning thief. He then adventuries dangerous creature through out the story for a big quest to search for his mother, Sally Ugliano who was kidnapped by Hades, the god of the underworld! Before his journey started he made some new friends like grover and annabeth in camp half blood. The journey then was not pretty. Percy have pass dangerous obsatcles like travelling pass the dangerous Medusa's layer, Facing the enormous Hydra and passing the underworld to find Hades for his mum. The lightning thief stealer was revealed when the part that Percy dropped of Luke's shield to retrived his mother from the underworld. So the Lightning thief is no one else than Luke the son of Hermes! Percy have to fought his way out of the dangerous underworld and battled Luke for the right to bring peace back to earth before the war between the gods happened. percy than returned the the Bolt to zeus and were trusted by the gods of all gods! He returns to camp Half blood at the end of the story to continue his training and were proudly respected by the camp members!

The Hitch Hikers guide to the galaxy

The Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy is a very good book. The vocabulary used in it is quite strong. The book is about a person called Arthur Dent, Earth is going to demolished to make a hyperspace bypass. Arthur has to navigate his way the the galaxy with only a towel a yellow fish and a book. After that things get much, much worse. Arthur also runs into some aliens along the way but luckily his yellow fish is good with languages.