Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Ethan Wate was just an ordinary boy in a boring old town of Gatlin. He had been haunted with dreams of a beautiful girl he never met. Things changed when he met Lena Duchannes the new girl in town. Lena was not an ordinary girl even though that was what she always wanted. She's struggling to keep her powers concealed and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. However the secrets cannot stay hidden for ever. Ethan and Lena falls in love. Ethan soon finds out about Lena and what she really is however when they are together Ethan are in dangerous. Of course Ethan never knew about this. Lena is Old Man Ravenwood's niece. Old Man Ravenwood has lived in this town for a very long time. However he never leaves his house.
Ethan's mom died in a car accident and his dad stays locked up in his room all day.
Ethan's life is about to change but he does not know can he stay away from Lena before danger arrives...

City of Bones - Cassandra Clare - 512 pages.

I LOVE THIS SERIES. I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND. i dont know why other people dont enjoy reading the book much, but Susan, Nikita, Xuan, Yan Shin, Kimberley all like it :)

This story starts off with Simon and Clary coming in to an all-ages nightclub, Pandemonium. She meets Jace, Isabelle, Alec, a group of demon hunters, also called shadowhunters, but she’s the only one who can see them, Simon and everyone else can’t see them. Her mom and her have a fight, and she leaves the house with Simon and goes to Eric, Simon’s band member’s poetic concert. She sees jace again and he jokes about kidnapping her and proves to her she really does have the sight. Her mom calls and she runs home, where she expects to see her mom, but instead she meets a monster, and, of course, no mom. She kills the monster, (YAY) and Jace saves her (YAYAY). She wakes up in an institute and calls Luke, (her moms best friend) but he doesn’t want her back. She’s desperate to get her mom back, and together, her and Jace do, but not with many distractions and boundaries to stop them in the way, even a twist in the end.

Beautiful darkness - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl - 503 pages (2 books)

i like the series, but i don't love it. there are times in this book where it's just boring and all they do is read a book (literally). but still, i think it's worth reading.

Ethan used to think Gatlin was where nothing extraordinary happens, he couldn't have been more wrong. Lena Duchannes, a caster girl revealed him a secret, a secret to the world he never knew existed, there, in plain sight all along. Lena's family has been cursed for generations, by the book itself.
then Lena starts to pull away from him, she even throws branches at him! and jumps at the back of some guys motorcycle in front of him, and he never knew what he did wrong.
he meets Liv, at the library where they work. She's a 'keeper in training' she says, and of course she knows about the caster world. they become great friends and they try to work out what is happening to Lena all this time, why is she pulling away from him, and why is the caster sky changing? together, they, and Link, go underground to find Lena, and where she is going with this mysterious guy, while everything around them changes, from Dark to light, caster to mortal, and of course, the knowing that Ethan and Lena can never be together. but still, after all she did to him, he's determined to find a way.

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Maximum Ride is a fourteen-year-old girl with wings who is the result of some experiments at a secret lab to inject avian genes into human embroyos. They were 98% human DNA and 2% bird. Max is the oldest of the six members of her family, or as they refer to themselves, the flock. The others are Fang - a boy who is four months younger than Max; Iggy - who was blinded by experimentation on his sight at the lab; Nudge - a young girl who talks non-stop; the Gasman - an eight-year-old boy with persistent intestinal problems and Angel, his six-year-old sister. Max and her companions were kept in cages and subject to repeated scientific experiments during their life at the School (as the lab was called); they were eventually freed by one of the lab scientists named Jeb Batchelder. Jeb secreted them at his mountain home and raised and educated them; but Jeb suddenly disappeared two years ago and the flock has been on its own since then. Suddenly, Erasers (experimental beings also developed at the lab who can turn into powerful vicious wolf-like creatures) raid the family's mountain hideaway and kidnap Angel. It's up to the flock to save her.

Good Night Mister Tom

This book is about a boy called Willie Beech. he is evacuated to the country as Britain stands on the brink of the Second World War. A sad, deprived child, he slowly begins to flourish under the care of old Tom Oakley. But his new found happiness is shattered by a summons from his mother back from London.
Read the book if you want to find out what happens next.
I enjoyed reading this book and i would recommend other people to read this book.


this book is about a girl called Carla. her Grandpa wrote a letter to her telling her his secret dreams. she's determined to make it come true, even if she has to break the laws and every other rules. her plan is highly dangerous and very crazy, but she's going to give her Grandpa what he wants, and that is a Viking funeral.

this book was quite good even though it was a bit short. even though it isn't as good as the other books that i've read, i still enjoyed reading it.

tell me no lies

Mike could feel her eyes like lasers, boring into his back. he had to fight not to look back. had she noticed him? had she recognized his face?
Mike is a new boy at school, a boy who desperately doesn't want to be noticed. he has a secret so terrible that it will haunt him forever.
But Gemma's sure she's seen Mike's face before. And now she's out to get him.
read this book to find out what the secret is.
this book was that good, i wouldn't recommend people to read this book.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Alex Rider:Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

This is an excited Alex Rider, learns of the death of his uncle and adopted parent, Ian Rider, in a deadly car crash. Alex is suspicious, and decides to investigate. He finds that Ian Rider did not die in a car crash, and was, in fact, a spy who had been killed before completing his mission. He had actually been training Alex (who already speaks 5 different languages and is a black-belt in karate) for a career in MI6. Alan Blunt and his second-in-command, Mrs Jones, of MI6, ask Alex to pick up his uncle's assignment, investigating Herod Sayle, a Lebanese billionaire who is giving free "Stormbreaker" computers to every school in Britain. As an undercover agent, Alex travels to Sayle's home in Cornwall, and, following the path drawn by his uncle, discovers a large computer manufacturing facility, where the Stormbreaker computers are being tainted with smallpox virus. Before he can communicate with MI6, however, Alex is caught. Sayle leaves Alex to die in a tank and heads off to the Science Museum in London, where the Prime Minister is to activate the Stormbreakers, unwittingly releasing the deadly virus. Alex escapes, parachutes out of a hijacked airplane, and smashes through the roof of the Science Museum. With a stolen gun, he fires at the Stormbreakers and Sayle, hitting the Prime Minister in the hand and destroying the trigger that would have released the smallpox. After a debriefing by MI6, Alex gets into a taxi, intending to head home. The driver is Sayle, who had survived the attack and fled. Alex tells Yassen he will one day kill him, but Yassen brushes the comment aside, telling him to go back to his normal life and to forget about being a spy.

The Machine Gunners by Robert Westall

This is a very adventuries and action type of book where there are many modern day guns and bombs being used. I like the plot which is easy to follow and the characters.
The story is set during the Second World War and deals with a group of children living in the England. Their town, Garmouth, regularly suffers from bomb attacks by the German Luftwaffe. The children make a game of collecting war souvenirs, One of the children, Chas McGill, finds a German This they build with their friends, including a boy from Glasgow called "Clogger" Duncan, and another boy, nicknamed "Carrot Juice" on account of his ginger hair. They also team up with a girl called Audrey Parton, and the boy who lives in the house, called Benjamin "Nicky" Nichol. They build the fortress solidly, and name it "Fortress Caporetto" Later Nicky is the sole survivor when his house is bombed out, and according to Chas's puritan neighbour his mother and her non-married partner were found "Dead in their bed of sin with not a stitch on". Later on during an air-raid , the children fire the gun at the German. He is surprised at the stream of bullets coming at him, although it goes wide, and swerves into the path of an AA gun. Although the pilot is killed, the rear gunner bails out, and injures his ankle himself on landing. Nonetheless, Rudi Gerlath, victor of two air battles, evades capture for many days, until his ankle is sufficiently healed to allow him to walk again. However he then runs into the fortress where a meeting is taking place, and is promptly arrested by the children, who point the machine gun at him. In order to keep the fortress secret he is not handed over to the authorities but kept prisoner in the fortress, where Clogger and Nicky now live permanently. After a while he is bribed with the offer of a boat belonging to Nicky's biological father who is now dead, if he will mend the gun. He agrees, and mends it. The next day, the children are reported missing and some Free Polish troops are drafted in to look for them. The children on seeing a line of troops speaking in a foreign language advancing up the slope toward them open fire with the gun under the impression that it is the German invasion force. However they are soon overpowered and forced to surrender. In the chaos, Rudi is shot and wounded with his own Luger, now in the hands of Clogger, but not fatally. The very well-made fortress is surrendered to the Home Guard, then Clogger and Nicky are taken to a children's home while the other children are handed over to their parents.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

City Of Glass

This book is amazing and I love to read it again if I could. It is packed with action and excitement through out the entire book, I love how clever the author is (Cassandra Clare), how she has made everything seem so possible and how she can make the reader addicted to this series.
The book's plot is about the evil villan (Valentine) who've already possessed two mortal instrument and he is in Idris looking for the last mortal instrument which is the mirror. There are a lot of problems to begin with the book and soon it get solve and I couldn't ask for a better ending then it was. The relationship between Clary and Jace is very complicated knowing that they're siblings everything is awkward between them but as you read the book many secrets are uncovered. I was really excited in this book when Clary's mother woke up because she was under a spell through out the whole series until now she plays an important role as the person who gives away the secret to Jace, Clary and Sebastian's past. Meanwhile, Valentine is planning on using all the mortal instruments to destroy shadowhunters once and for all by the help of the angel he wants to summoned (Raziel), there has been a huge battle between the Clave and the demons (the demons are on Valentine's side) but the Downworlders (vampires, werewolves and faeries) wanted to help because the shadowhunter could not win the battle without them. Clary and Jace found out who they really are and I love how complicated it is but then everything is resolved.
If this is too complicated for you then you must read the book if you want to understand what I'm talking about. Overall, I love reading this book because it has such a great plot to it and it has been the best book out of the entire series.

city of ashes

this book is the second book of the mortal instruments, after "City of bones". in this book, Simon (Clary's best friend) turned into a vampire. Valentine is still trying to find all of the mortal instruments so he can rule the world. For the sword, he needs every blood from each downworlder child, he has got all of the other ones except for the vampire's and the werewolf's and he's planning to get the blood from Clary's friends, Simon and Maia (a werewolf girl).
In the end, Valentine killed Simon and got his blood, but Jace found Simon and donated his blood to him since vampires live on blood.
Jace have finally told Clary his feelings for her even though they are related. Later on, Clary and Jace found out powers that they didn't even know they had.

this book was very good, even though it was quite confusing. i can't wait to read the next book and finish the whole series.

city of bones

In this book, a girl called Clary has supernatural powers and she can see things that normal humans can't see: for example vampires, werewolves, Shadowhunters, etc. Later on in the book, she falls in love with a shadowhunter called Jace. He was also in love with her. But then Valentine (an evil Shadowhunter who wants the mortal instruments all to himself) showed up and told them that they were brothers and sisters. Read the next book the find out what happens next.

I fell in love with this book and can't wait to read the next book of the series.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Darkness is fantasy book about a boy that has a very weak father. their relationship are not very close and he doesn't know much at all about his father. there are these two undertakers that are after him and he don't know who they are. Now he doesn't know what to do since his father sick and he is trying to check in his father room for information to help himself out.

The Kane Chronicles - The Red Pyramid

This book is all about action and Egyptian mythology.In my previous post of the red pyramid when i hadn't finished i explained some of what happend but now i will continue on from there. Carters father has unleashed five gods and only one of them has got out that means that all five gods are in side him. the god that has gotten out, his name is Set, He i planing to rule the world with the giant red pyramid which is now the biggest pyramid in the world and when he is around the pyramid his power increases. But to god-lings are going to have to stop him, but do you think that to god-lings can defeat an immortal god? Well you bet they can, as the god-lings themselves have gods in them, Carter as the god Horus in him who is the god of vengeance and Sadie has the god Isis in her who is Horus's mother. But they need to find out Set's secret name to defeat him...
Read this book it is one my favorite i have read and i have not read so many in my life...

Alex Rider: SnakeHead

In one of Alex Rider's final books, Alex finds himself stuck in the middle of a sinister plan to destroy an entire island. The masterminds of the plot are the Snakeheads, a subgroup working together with Scorpio. Alex never decided to risk his life in this mission until he was told that his partner is ASH, his godfather and his father's best man.

Upon his investigation, Alex learns of a Snakehead, a Chinese man named, Winston Yu, wants to destroy the island which on the night of March 11th will hold 8 of the world's richest people alive, and by doing this, he needs a prototype British bomb, codenamed 'Royal Blue'. Alex must stop Yu before it is too late and some friendships aren't to last forever...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Percy Jackson & The Sea of Monsters

This book is the 2nd book in the Percy Jackson series. In this chapter Percy will continue his life at Camp Half-Bloood training to know all the skills and technique to be a good warrior! He return back to school after summer.During school, Percy is stuck playing dodgeball against large seventh graders who turn out to be Laistrygonians. They summon explosive fireballs and attempt to kill Percy, but he is protected by Tyson, a friend, who is unharmed by the monsters' fireballs. Annabeth saves Percy by stabbing the last Laistrygonian from behind and takes Percy and Tyson back to Camp Half-Blood. They find the camp under attack because Thalia's tree, which protects the camp, has been poisoned by an unknown intruder. Chiron, the activities director, has been fired because he is suspected of poisoning the tree, and is replaced by Tantalus, a spirit from the Fields of Punishment.
Percy finds out that Tyson is a Cyclops and Poseidon claims him as his son. Annabeth and Percy ask Tantalus to send somebody on a quest to find the Golden Fleece, which he does, sending Clarisse. Percy receives help from Poseidon, who gives them three Hippocampi, and together with Annabeth and Tyson, ends up on a passing cruise ship, the Princess Andromeda, which is revealed to be owned by Luke. They are captured and learn that Luke is trying to reform Kronos the father of the gods entering the Sea of Monsters, known to mortals as the Bermuda Triangle. Percy forgets to remove her knife, and she manages to free herself, and almost reaches the land, but Percy manages to save her; in doing so, he learns that the Sirens' song made Annabeth see what she wanted most: her parents reunited and Luke converted back to good, all having a picnic, in front a brand new Manhattan, rebuilt by Annabeth. They reach the island of Polyphemus and save Grover with the help of Tyson and Clarisse, recovering the Fleece in the process. They make their way to Florida, and Percy sends Clarisse, with the fleece, back to camp. Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Tyson are captured by Luke. Percy manages to contact camp with an Iris-message, tricking Luke into admitting he poisoned Thalia's tree. In a duel with Luke, Percy is nearly killed. He is saved by Chiron. This book is a pretty interesting book and it leads to the next chapter makes me want to read on. I think that this book has a good plot and storyline.

Monday, March 21, 2011


This is the third book in the Silver wing trilogy this is when Shade had a son and his son had gotten lost in the underworld where Cama Zotz god of the cannibal bats live. Shade is now on an epic journey to save his son. He would face the worst enemies and an unsuspecting foe. Will Shade and his son survive all of this?

Chicken soup for the soul Teens talk relationships of family,friendship and love

This is a non fiction book, this book is a really good book and filled with true stories about people's life. My favourite story was the "Baseball Spirit" this is the story:

"The Baseball Spirit"
It was summer, and my parent sent me to spent time with my granpa for my 13th birthday. He had been diagonised with cancer the christmas before. I was in this rebellious stage, And i decided to bring my skateboard and sreluctkates and not spend much time with him. I knew some kids down the street, and i was going to hang out with them. I was a major baseball fan (I strongly favoured the Cardinals), So when i was packing, i slipped my baseball glove in my backpack too, thinking maybe i could play a little catch. I had planned everything. Dont get me wrong, I wasnt trying to be mean or anything; I love my grandparents, and i would b great to see my granpa. I was just not planning to hang out with him; but then, i never thought the spirit of baseball could bring 2 people together the way that it did that way that summer. I was on the computer at my granparents house and granpa asked me if i wanted to play catch. "sure" i said, reluctantly. We went outside to play catch, and at first i didnt think much of it, but with every throw, i realized that i was feeling more and more connected to him. I felt like i could've played catch with my granpa forever. Later that night, he showed me his Mark McGwire first then baseman's mitt and his Micky Mantle bat. I thought those were the coolest things in the world. On august 13, we went to a saint Louise Cardinal's game at Busch Stadium. While i was watching my heroes, like Fernando Vina, Albert Pujols, Jim Edmonds and Mark McGwire, my granpawas telling me all about his childhood heroes. Through that whole game, I felt even more connected to him. Toward the end of my time in Illinois, I found Granpa's book about Mark McGwire's historic 1998 season. He caught me looking at it so much that he decided i could keep it and he signed it to me: To:Caleb Mathewson From : Maynard Mathewson "MATTY" remember the summer of 2001 ~ Granpa... I didnt think much of the autograph then, but later i treasured it more than anything. That night I had to get ready to go home, and we decided to go outside and play catch for what turned out to be one last time. my granpa and i laughed and talked while i did my best imitation of the top major legue pictures, not knowing how much i would treasure this moment later in life. I came back to Illinois the next summer wih my family to see him. My grandpa was confined to his bed and barely able to walk. The cancer had spread to everybone in his body. The very last time i saw him was the last night i was there. I was in his room watching the Cardinals game on television with him. He struggled to sit up and said, "If anything happens to me, I want you to have my Mark McGwire first baseman's mitt and my Mickey Mantle bat." It meant so much to me, I cant even explain it. I could barely hold back my tears. 2 days later, his lungs filled up with fluid and on August 13 2002, Maynard Mathewson died at 1:00 am., exactly one year to the day of attending that Cardinals game with me, which was still so fresh in my memory. When i went to his funeral, on his casket there were 2 baseball caps. 1 was a Yankess cap and the other was the same St. Louis Cardinals cap that he wore to the Cardinals game that we attended together. Because of my grandpa and the love for the game that we shared, I know that I'll always have the baseball spirit in me. The bat, the glove and the book that he gave me are always with me to remind me that my grandpa, Maynard Mathewson, and I will forever be connected by the spirit of baseball and the summer we spent together
~Caleb Mathewson
This story has touched me and made me teary because it is a true story and how they connected to each other. There are many more fantastic true stories in this book but "The baseball spirit is my favourite story.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

City Of Ashes

This book is the sequel to the book 'City Of Bones', the book I've recently read. I've enjoyed this book as much as I've enjoyed reading the first one, I think the author did a fantastic job of writing this book to make readers such as myself find it very interesting to read.
In this book it continued talking about Clary's problems in the first book, she is trying to stop Valentine from getting the mortal instruments because it would lead to great danger, even though Valentine is her father Clary despise him. There are a lot of suspense and action happening in this book, when I read City of Ashes some unbelievable events happened. Clary and Jace has strong feelings for each other but because they found out they're brother and sisters, their love for each other are forbidden. Also in this book Simon suffers a great deal in this book, he must face his transformation into something else the reader would never expect he would do. In this book the author has created some new characters which I thought was interesting to read about. Jocelyn (Clary's Mother) remain unconscious throughout the whole book until the end, in the last few pages of the book it has created more suspense and a cliff hanger too.
Overal, this is an amazing book to be reading after you've read the 1st book and this fantasy book is really clever how the author describe the demons to make it seems like it is very real. I think it will be suitable for anyone who is interested in fantasy novels.

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters

When Percy comes back to Camp Half-Blood for the summer, he knows that something weird is up. The magical borders that protect the campers and stop monsters getting in is fading, resulting in danger. This is all because Thalia's tree is dying; someone poisoned it. Chiron's been fired and Tantalus is now in charge of all the activities. Tantalus doesn't care about Thalia's tree and the fact that everyone is in danger, but Percy, Annsbeth and Tyson the Cyclopes know they have to do something. Percy has dreams about Grover (who is on a quest looking for the Great Pan) but is now traped on a island by an evil Cyclopes. In the morning, Annsbeth tells Percy that the Golden Fleece can save Thalia's tree, but the fleece has been lost for centuries. Then, at night, Percy has a new dream about Grover, and again, that island appeares. It's really beautiful and tropical and there's this golden thing hanging in one of the trees. The Golden Fleece. When Percy tells Annabeth about this, she tells him that Grover must be using Telepathicy to reach Percy and that the fleece really is on that island, the ine where Grover is trapped. In the Sea of Monsters. As Thalia's tree only has a few weeks to live in, Percy, Annabeth and Tyson sneak out of camp, with help from Hermes, and set sail for the Sea of Monsters. On their journey, they overcome Scylla and her sister Charybdis, Circe the enchantess and the oldest and biggest Cyclopes ever. However, will they have time to return? And can the fleece really save Thalia's tree?

Another fabulous Percy Jackson book by Rick Riordan, filled with humour, action and acient greek mystery. I greatly enjoyed reading this book and it's one of the best I've ever read. So..read it!


Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Bad stuff always seemed to happen to 12 year old Percy Jackson; he'd get in trouble for no reason at school, teachers hated him, and recently, monsters chased him. When Percy's mum takes him on a weekend trip to the sea side, everything seemed perfectly normal, however, all that was about to change: at night, Grover, the satyr shows up outside their door and tells Percy and Sally (his mother) that it isn't safe for Percy to be out in the real world anymore. Percy is really confused but follows Grover and his mother to Camp Half-Blood, the place were his father, who Percy never knew, had told Sally that Percy would be safe. They get attacked by the Minotor, which kills Sally and knocks Grover out of consionness. Luckly, Percy defeates the Minotor and brings Grover to Camp Half-Blood. Here, Percy learns that he is not just any normal kid, but that he is in fact a son of Poseidon, the sea God (everyone at Camp Half-Blood is half God). He befriends Annabeth, daughter of Athena, meets Chiron, the famou centaur would trained all the Greek heroes and finds out that he is excellent at sword fighting. But all is not well. Up on Olympus, Zeus' matser bolt is missing and Percy is the main suspect. Now it's up to him to find the real theif, travel to the Underworld and get back the master bolt or else there will be a civil war between the Gods, which is a really bad thing. And he has to do this in 10 days time...

This is one of the greatest books that I've ever read. The plot is really well thought through and I can relate to how the characters and their emotions. The mordern twists that Rick Riordan has put on the acient greek myths are really clever and funny. I just couldn't put this book down and I definately recommend this to girls and boys alike :D


Saturday, March 19, 2011

City Of Bones

I love reading this book because it is packed with action and humour at the same time! This book is about a girl named Clary and her mother suddenly went missing and she was so scared, then she started seeing things that nobody else sees and she was 'special'. Afterwards she went to this institute where she met Jace, Alec, Isabelle and Hodge the people who she've 'seen' the other day. She discovers that she isn't normal and discover secrets and herself and her mother. Then, Clary must search for the Mortal Cup before Valentine (an evil shadowhunter) finds it but the problem is she has no clue where the cup is! Throughout the book Clary finds out who she really was and who her mother really was and there is a completely different world then just us humans. There are creatures like vampire and werewolves even angels and demons too!
I enjoy reading this book and every single chapter of this book is filled with excitement and shocking secrets. If you like books which have fantasy/adventure and possibly some humour then you should read this one!

Friday, March 18, 2011

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

This book is amazing!. It is full of suspense and adventure. This book is about a girl called Clary Fray. The moment she saw a blue haired boy killed by three strange looking teenagers her life had changed. It seems that she was the only person who could see this happening. Clary starts to wonder what was happening. The next day Clary receives a phone call from her mom saying that she should not come home. Clary became worried and rushes home and finds that a disaster had struck her home. The next couple of days nothing remains ordinary to Clary. With her mom missing and her house torn apart she has no one to rely on except for her best friend Simon. The journey starts for her when she was taken away to a mysterious place by a boy called Jace. There is alot she has to learn about the world she lived in. Humans and animals weren't the only things on the planet. What she thought was stories and myths all came true. As she goes on this dangerous journey to save her mom she soon learns about shadow hunters, demons and much more. Life will never be the same as the secrets are soon revealed to her. Her mom was not an ordinary woman. Clary will soon have to face her biggest fears.

I really enjoyed reading this amazing book.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The HItchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I have finally found a book as crazy as me! This is a really amazing book if you believe in fate and Sci-Fi. I would consider this book to make the universe look like a playground. As a space fan, I find the theories hillarious; alien dolphins, Shoe-shaped space ships and much more. And If you hate the world and think something out there must have seen us by now, this is the book for you! 42!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Harry potter and the deathly hollows

As every people know this book was written by J.K. Rowling. This book is the last series of the Harry potter series which means Voldmort would be killed by Harry. In this book Harry Potter is finishing off the quest of destroying all hockrucks (which are objects which have Voldmort's spirits inside) in order to kill Voldmort. At the end of this book, Voldmort started to attack Hogwarts with people eating death (during the whole fight Harry hided under the magic transparent cape). However giants and half- human half- horse came to help Hogwart's side and all of them had to go inside Hogwart's hall. Voldmort's side was losing but Voldmort's rage exploded and harry potter had to come out of transparent cape. Then Harry won with his strongest wand in the world. I think this book was one of the best books I read as it had lots of adventures. Also I liked the part where Hogwart and Voldmort fighted as it was the biggest battle in Harry Potter series.

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl - 563 pages.

i think this book is quite boring, but there are some moments in the book that are fast pased and interesting. overall, the book was okay.

this is the first book that i read which is in a guy's point of view (i didnt know!).

the guy is named Ethan Lawson Wate. he lives in a town where nothing changes. nothing unexpected happens. where the town knows everyones secrets. even the mailman opens your mail first before delivering it and if the news is really bad, he tells you himself. thats why no one bothers to move out and the ones who do move out, never came back. Ethan was the sort of person where, 5 minutes after garaduation, he would be off out of the town. until, he meets Lena Duchannes. she was a new girl in town and nobody ever moved in. she was 'Old Man Ravenwood's niece', also known as Malcon Ravenwood's niece. he never came out of his house. nobody knows wha he looks like or what he does. people think he is just a crazy maniac. so, lena was not respected in school ad therefore not in the 'in group'. but Ethan was. the 'in group' consisted of the cheerleaders and the basketball jocks. emily and suzanne decided who was in the 'in group' or not.
he realizes Lena is the girl he's been seeing in his dreams. one day, she breaks a window and he follows her. they become friends. but then, Lena suddenly tells ethan who-what she is, a caster, beings who have supernatural power. Her birthday is only six months away, and on that day, the book will take what has been given. in midnight, Lena will become either light or dark, but it isnt a light choice, theres a catch.
but, sadly, i cant spoil so you have to read the book to find out.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

This is the 3rd chapter in the Harry Potter series which is pretty interesting and creates an effective storyline to continue the story Harry Potter!Harry and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and find security has been tightened because of Sirius Black's escape. The grounds are now guarded by Dementors, dark, sinister beings that drain the happiness of anyone nearby and guard Azkaban prison. They also cause Harry to hear his parents. ProfessorRemus Lupin the school's new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, tells Harry he is more vulnerable to the Dementors because he has seen genuine horrors in his past. On their way back from the hut, Ron is suddenly attacked by a large black dog and dragged into a passage beneath the Whomping Willow, a magical tree. Harry and Hermione receive a brutal beating from the Whomping Willow before entering the passageway.
Harry attempts to attack Black when Lupin arrives. Hermione confronts Lupin about habits she has observed during her classes with him. The Marauders remained friends after growing up, and when they learned Voldemort was after the Potters, Black became their Secret-Keeper. However, Black then reveals that he had secretly switched this duty with Pettigrew in order to serve as a decoy. However, as they return to the castle, the full moon emerges and Lupin transforms into a werewolf. Pettigrew transforms back into a rat and escapes while Lupin loses control in his wolf form. Black is knocked out by Lupin, who is about to kill Harry when a strange howl alerts Lupin and lures him away from Harry. Harry finds an unconscious Sirius lying by a pond, where Dementors suddenly descend on the pair and nearly kill them. Harry awakes in the castle to learn that Black has been captured. To save him, Harry and Hermione use the Time-Turner to travel back in time and prevent his capture. Harry and Hermione rescue Buckbeak and re-watch the scenes of the night, until they see the Dementors cornering Harry and Sirius. Harry at the end was worried if Voldemort will return by help but Dumbledore back him up. This is a book that i like about because it makes me want to continue to read further on the story to see what happen to Harry!

Percy Jackson & The Last Olympians

This book is the last chapter in the Percy Jackson series. I thought that this chapter revolves more of a battleground scene as Percy and Kronus fight in the war of wars to see who the last olympian! Percy Jackson his friends, and the Olympians, fight in a war resembling the original war between the Greek gods and the Titans. Prometheus notes during a parley between him and Percy, that the battle for Manhattan is like the Battle of Troy, except that now Olympus is Troy.He finds that he is in his father Poseidon's underwater palace, which is under siege by the forces of the Titan Oceanus. Percy wants to stay and help fight with his father, but he sends Percy back to Camp Half Blood. Before the battle starts, New York City is silenced by way of a powerful sleeping spell from Morpheus, god of dreams. Percy and Kronos battle in the throne room of Olympus, without either side gaining a significant advantage. Luke is shocked back into his normal self when Annabeth helps him remember his promise of family to Annabeth, as he brutally smashes her across the throne room. Luke stabs himself at his mortal point as Kronos struggles to reassert control, becoming the hero of the prophecy and ending the war on the dawn of Percy's 16th birthday.With Poseidon ambushing Typhon at the Hudson River, the Olympians manage to send the demon down to Tartarus. Returning to the throne room, they grant Percy, Grover, Annabeth, Thalia, and Tyson rewards at the conclusion of their various quests. At camp, new cabins are built for every god, including Hades and all the minor gods. This is a very emotion finale as the relationship between Percy and Annabeth build deepenly and i think this is a suitable conclusion for an amazing series of Percy Jackson.

Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident

The second block buster to the award-winning Artemis Fowl collection. It adds to the history behind the villinous character of Artemis Fowl, with a cool background of Mafias! However I do not find this book as good as the previous book in the series. It is a lot weaker in tension in my opinion. There is a lot less suspense. On the other hand, I find it a good read but please remember, in my taste I think maybe the first book is better.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

plundering paradise

the sroty is about a boy called Nathan. Like other kids in 18th century, Nathan goes to school, having friends...........But Nathan has a special passion than other kids don't-pirates. Those images keep coming when Nathan shut his eyes, even in class, he can't concentrate on the lessons. One day, he learns that his dad is no longer in this life, he getsd shocked and get into a boring life. But requite, he met a real pirate's son-Tamo White. this boy suggests Nathan and his sister to go home with him, to the land of pirate, to Madagascar. Dreams come true, why does he ha have to miss this chance. The adventures make him brave, make him be a true man. It lights up his dull life, replace parental love with sword fight. In Madagascar, everyone has the same thought-heroes larger than life. Nathan has to follow if he wants to live.

100 mile an hour dog

This book is all about a dog named streaker now this dog, as you can see in the title, who can run 100 miles an hour. This dog needs its exercise and case you haven't noticed nobody in the family is willing to take it for a walk because it would be like sprinting as fast as you can and being dragged at the same time. And as usual all the dirty work is left for the so and daughter to do, but parents have there ways to make children do what they say, in this case it is bribery. Trevor has the responsibility to walk him every day of the week, and he did not want to feel so much pain by being dragged by streaker so he came up with an idea of using roller skates and holding on to the dog. That idea was a little bit successful, but later on he realizes that the only way to make this work was by actually training the dog and that is what he does his idea is successful and he earned his money which was 30 pounds.


This is the next book after the book silver wing in the silver wing trilogy. This book is a very fun book to read. It interests me a lot and these books made me follow through this epic trilogy. At the end of the book Silver wing Shade (the main character) has united with his family at last , with his friend Marina (bright wing). In this book he went on a quest in search of his father when they arrived at Hibernaculum. He found a human building with all the resources that they needed and thought that this was the promise of Nocturna the bat God. But the humans tested on him and place an explosive on his belly so that he can help them with their war. After he got captured, his friend Marina and his mother went in search for him. Finding themselves stuck in the jungle where the cannibal bats lived, will Shade ever find his father Cassiel, will he ever 'save the sun', you will know when you read it. :)

black rabbit summer

this book is about a boy called Pete Boland who was doing nothing during summer. All he did everyday was lie down and rest, or sometimes go outside and sit on his lawn in the sun. Then one of his old friend, Nicole called. But she wasn't just any friend, she was his crush when they were still in school. She asked him if he wanted to go to the fun fair, at the old den where they used to play. She told him to meet there with their other friends at 9:30pm. But where there are old times, there are old tensions and and as secrets, bitterness and jealousies resurface, five old friends are plunged into the worst night of their lives... some of them may not even make it out alive...
Read this book to find out what happens to them. This book was really good and i would recommend other people to read it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Once in a lifetime

this book is about a successful woman called Ingrid Fitzgerald. she's currently a successful TV presenter, she's happily married with 2 wonderful children. but as they grow up she's about to discover a secret that will shatter her world. Natalie Flynn is falling in love but the secrecy surrounding her mother's past still troubles her. and Charlie Fallon loves her family and her job at Kenny's department store, but could now be the time to fight for her own happiness?
The woman with the power to help them is the free spirit Star Bluestone. experience tells her that the important things in life must be treasured and the chance for real joy only comes once in a lifetime.
i think this is once of Cathy Kelly's best book yet. Out of all of the books i've read by her, i think this one is the best so far.

a hero's daughter

for his bravery on world war II Ivan Demidov was made a hero of the Soviet Union but the subsequent decades have brought hardship, and when his wife dies, he turns to vodka. in contrast his daughter's job as an interpreter gives her access to a metropolitan lifestyle beyond her parents' dreams.
this book was quite a good book and i would recommend people to read it.

disaster bunnies save the day! (kind of)

this book is about 3 boys, 2 easter bunnies and a whole lot of trouble! when Jordan, Boy Dave and Ryan meet the game obsessed TC, they realize it is time he discovered what the real world is all about, and they are just about to show him.
but will they be able to save TC, the school, the village, and their own skins... before it's too late?
this book was okay. it wasn't as good as all the other books that i've read but it was okay.

pig-heart boy

this book is about a boy who was dying and a doctor offered him a heart, but the only problem was that it was a heart of a pig. even though his parents didn't want him to do it he insisted on doing it and in the end, it worked and he returned to his normally daily life. but not long after that, he started feeling these pain and the doctor said that his body is rejecting the heart and that he can't live for a long time.
at first, the doctor offered him another heart of a pig but he refused it. a few days later when his grandmother died, he decided to carry out the heart transplant and decided to live again.
this is a very good book and the plot is very good too. i would recommend every one to read this book.

All American Girl - Ready or Not

This is the following book of All American Girl.

This book is about Samantha Madison, still teen ambassador to the United Nations, as well as dating the President's son, David. Sam is worried David wants to take their relationship to the next level.

She also begins taking life drawing which she

doesn't realize is drawing pictures of naked people. She is still a semi-celebrity for saving the President's life.

The President recently announced his "Return to Family" campaign. Samantha is faced with a huge dilemma when it appears that she condemns the "Return to Family" policy on an MTV special.

During this time, Samantha’s sister Lucy is also conflicted because she has fallen in love with her SAT tutor, Harold, but he does not appear to admire her back.

Read this book and find out what happens next.

In my opinion, I think this book is good but not great. This book is more directed to girls as it is written in Sam's point of view.

Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief

The gods of Olympus are alive in the 21st Century. They still fall in love with mortals and have children (demigods) who might become great heroes, however, most of these children meet horrible fates by the age of twelve. Only a few discover the truth of their identity and make it to Half Blood Hill, a Long Island summer camp dedicated to training young demigods.

Percy Jackson was an ordinary boy, doing the usual things boys do. Go to school, play basketball... Until, he vaporized his math teacher (or so he thought) - that was when things started going wrong. Now, he spends his time fighting with swords, battling out monsters to survive.

Percy has been given a quest to help his real father, Poseidon, the God of S
ea. With the help of Grover the satyr and Annabeth the daughter of Athena, Percy must travel across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen Zeus’ master bolt - the weapon of mass destruction. Along the way, they come across mythological enemies determined to stop them. Most of all, Percy must come to terms with a father he has never known, and an Oracle that has warned him of betrayal by a friend.

Read this book and you'll find out whether he will find the lightning bolt and stop war erupting. And most importantly, will he even survive the entire journey with monsters at every corner, with only one intention of killing him. Who knows...

I think this is a really entertaining book and both girls and boys would enjoy reading this. It is filled with action, adventure, mythology and much more. I had a thrill reading this book and I think you will too.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Ugly Truth

To be honest, I think this book isn't so good and it is quite boring. The only reason I read it is because I had no other book to read. But that may only be my opinion. Anyway...

This is book is basically about a boy -Greg Helffley - and his everyday life. In this series, he finds out how getting older isn't as great as it sounds and he has a big fight with his best friend Rowley. So he has to face the 'ugly truth' by himself. Read to find out what the 'ugly truth' is.

However, I wouldn't recommend this book. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

harry potter and the goblet of fire

I think this book was a second step for reading books as this was the longest book for me. In this book as everyone knows the main character Harry potter overcomes all those obstacles in this match named 'Triwizard tournaments'. First stage of this match between 3 schools were to get the golden egg from dragons which were overcome by using broomstick magic. For the second match he got help from his friend Nevile who got help from Professor Moody who was actually the son of head of magic's minister. He (son of head of magic's minister) actually followed Voldmort and he succeeded to pretend like he tried to help Harry. But then his real identity was discovered when he was trying to kill harry and sent to Azkaban. For the final match (the match's goal was to find and get the prize faster than others) Harry potter (he was chosen illegally by a person who pretended to be a Professor Moody) and Gregory were transported to place of Voldmorts' family grave when they finally got the prize together. After he overcame his fight with Voldmort with the help from dead people's soul (including his parent's) he finally gets back to Hogwart with a Gregory's corpse. I think this book was interesting because unlike other series of Harry potter books it is showing competitions which are always exciting even though rarely some get hurt. However I hated a part of story when Harry potter and Ron fought even though it was natural that friends fight.

I Am Number Four - Pittacus Lore

Nine children came to earth because their planet was invaded by Modagorians (evil aliens). Each and one of them has special legacies that one day they will have special powers and defeat the Modagorians. The book talks about one of the special children - Number Four, and how he is now the next target of the Modagorians. They've already killed Number 1-3 and he knows that he is next. He has been running away from them with his keeper Henri for the past 10 years and now he is at higher risk that ever. When he was at Ohio he fell in love with a girl named Sarah because of her John Smith (his current name) wouldn't want to leave Ohio and face the Modagorians even though it would risk everyone's lives.
This book only took me two days to read because it is a fantastic action packed book to enjoy reading. Every page is filled with different events happening and how its very challenging for him to fit in with normal people because he was an secretly an alien. I recommend this book to people who likes reading action/fantasy books about aliens.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Torment - Lauren Kate

I really have enjoyed reading this book. Torment is the sequel to the book "Fallen" it is part of the fallen novel, it is a mixture of romance and fantasy which for me is a very good combination of genre. This book has 452 pages packed with exciting events, I would recommend this to girls who like reading this genre.
Basically, its about this girl called Luce and she was chased after by many creatures and one of them are called 'the Outcast'. Daniel her boyfriend and also known as a fallen angel tries to keep her safe so she was transfered into this new school called Shoreline and this school is the opposite to the school where she was (Swords & Cross). It was this beautiful school located in California. Any how, this school protects Luce from the Outcast. When Luce is at this school she found out how to 'use' the Announcer (a shadow) to go back into her past and find out about her past, what she was like. Eventually, everything gets really complicated but if you would read the book you would understand it of course!
Overall, it is a very good book to enjoy reading but in my opinion I think I would prefer the 1st book more because this one is just about Luce finding out about herself, not much going on even though it is still interesting to read. If you've read the first book then I definitely recommend you to read the second book. There is a third book coming out this summer if you're interested.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Need - Carrie Jones

When Zara's stepfather dies, she is heartbroken. Basically, she's just an emptty hole; nothing matters anymore. So her mother sends Zara to Grandma Betty who lives in a sleepy, cold, snowy town called Maine to try and wake up her emotions again. Betty picks up Zara at the airport in Maine and together they drive home to Betty's house, talking and catching up with each others lives. However, Betty nearly drives into a guy standing really close to the road and she has to make a sharp turn to avoid him. When Zara looks back to see if the guy is okay, he's gone. Then at school (were Zara's quickly made friends with Issie, Devyn and school hottie Nick) in the canteen, Zara sees the same guy that Betty nearly ran over standing out side, by the window, pointing. At her. She freaks out , as she has no idea who the guy is and she tells Is, Devyn and Nick that ever since her stepfather died, she's seen the guy everywhere : outside the window of her parents house, at the airport, on the road and now here. They all go to the libray and find out that the guy must be a pixie. But not the tiny flower garden type. No, a super dangerous pixie king who needs a queen as he is growing weak, loosing his power and his control. Devyn realises that if the king does not find a queen soon, he'll start taking young males as blood tributes to fulfill his extreme need. The next day a boy dissappears. The group has to do something quickly, before things get out of control. But not everyone is who they seem to be, and this sleepy Maine town is hidding some dark secret, and it has something to do with Zara..

I greatly enjoyed reading this book as it made me think about what happened to the dissappearing boys and who that guy is, perdicting what will happen next. It was slightly creepy, what with the stalker guy following Zara, but the plot is really good and I was positively surprised (as I had expected some pretty 'blah' teen novel). It kept me interested and it really captured my attention. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy reading fantasy


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Cardturner - Louis Sachar

When Alton's uncle, Lester Trapp becomes blind, Alton is told by his mother that Trapp called and asked him to be his cardturner for his bridge games. Alton has no idea what a carturner is, nor does he know how to play bridge. When he arrives at Trapp's club (where he plays bridge) Alton is told by Trapp that he has to read Trapp's cards for him and then play the card that Trapp tells him to play. And he must NOT ask 'are you sure?' once. After Trapp has played 24 hands, Alton drives him home. As Alton turns more cards for Trapp at more games, he starts to realise why his uncle is so cold ('with a heart as cold as brick' as his father would say') and he realises that everything isn't what it seems to be. Trapp has a skill for bridge and it fasinates Alton, so he asks Trapp 'why don't you play in a tornament?'. The club goes silent and nobody answers, apart from Gloria (Trapp's bridge partner) and she tells Alton that the last time Trapp played in a tounament, it did not go well. At all. Alton finds this hard to believe; his uncle is a bridge genius! So...What happened in theát tournament, over 20 years ago that caused Trapp to never play in one again? Who is Toni, and how come she and Trapp are so close? And what happened between that Annabelle girl and the milkman she swaped clothes with?

I found this book really interesting as it was about something that I knew nothing about. It also made me want to know what happened to Trapp as I knew from the start that there had to be a reason for him to be cold hearted. The ending was sort of a cliff hanger; part of it was completed but another part was still unanswered. This is a great book and I would definately recomend this to other people who enjoyed reading Holes :)


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quick Message to Mr Pollicutt

I am sorry to say that I have become a bit.....crazy...

James' Review

If you cannot hear anything, please inform me and I will record with better software because of technical difficulties.

Ruins of Gorlans - Ban's hw

Jason Lee - 8S Harry potter



Worst Video Log I've Ever Done

I was 90% done witht eh video on Youtube, then bam! Overheated laptop dies. Above is the manual video, below is the Youtube uploaded version, and check out my awesome backgrounds on my channel!

the 5 people you meet in heaven review

this is my review for the book 'the 5 people you meet in heaven'.

The Stuff of Nightmares by Malorie Blackman

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

This is a book review plot summary of the Percy Jackson& the Lightning thief

Percy Jackson

This is my book review on the book: Percy Jackson - Last Olympian

Once in a House on Fire by Andrea Ashworth

sorry that there is no tittle and credits and special effects but it was not there on the computer it was different and really weird but I finished my book review. Sorry about all the 'umm's and 'and umm's. Hope its good enough. Don't mind the weird people in the back.

Book Review: Fallen by Laurent Kate (XUAN)


The Necromancer-The Secrets of the Immortal

Girl 16: absolute torture

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Dark by Marianne Curley

A very intersting book that I found in the Library. Apparentely it does have any reviews on its cover but it is definitly a book worth many. It is the perfect book for a person that loves murder and mystery. I find that the author was able to put in multiple ideas at the same time in the novel without confusing the reader. The genre is horror and fantasy and really puts you on suspense on every page. I find it quite the thriller!

I am the Crab.

crab pincers scuttle

Entice. - Carrie Jones - 272 pages.

entice is the third sequel of need.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

ranger's apprentice - the ruins of gorlan

Will and Horace both want to be warriors, but for warriors, health and sizes are important. Horace is muscular, tall so he is recruit in to warrior's team. Will does not have enough requirement so instead follow the old path, he decided that his stealth and intelligence would serve him well as a Ranger. He's placed as an apprentice to Halt—the ultimate teacher. Despite Halt's grumpiness and constant demands, Will admires his master and soon considers him a father figure. Will learns a lot from his tutor, from basic shooting skill to advance equestrian.
After training, Halt and Will team up with another apprentice called Gilan to protect their country-Araluen from the beasts, Kalkaras, dispatched by the evil Morgarath. Decade ago, Morgarath used advantage of his competence to recruit an army, prepared to subvert the King, but being discovered and defeated by Halt. Now the time has come, it's time to revenge and it's time for Will to prove what he had learnt from his lusty tutor.

New moon

New Moon is a fantastic novel. It entertains the reader because of its amazing author Stephanie Meyer. This book took me 2 weeks to read because of its crazy amount of pages (563). In addition, this book is great to read from ages 11 and over. Furthermore, this is because some parts are confusing than others, but overall this book is excellent. New Moon has a variety of different genres combined in it, consisting of romance, comedy and as some people say this boo is an action packed book. Moreover i believe that this is a great boom to read when your bored or have nothing to do or even before you go to sleep. New Moon is about a teenage girl called Bella who's finds out her boyfriend, Edward is a vampire. When he has to leave forever she becomes distraught and decides to suicide because she believe he will come back if she suicides. When she almost kills herself purposely driving extremely fast o a motorcycle She sees him and..................... To find out the tragic or happy ending read this marvelous book it is superb!!!!!

Noughts and Crosses

Persephone 'Sephy' Hadley is a Cross, daughter of a prominent politician, Kamal Hadley and one of the upperclasses of society. Callum McGregor is a nought, the exact opposite of Sephy. They used to play together when Jasmine Hadley -Sephy's mother- employed Meggie McGregor (Callum's mother) as a Nanny. However, Jasmine fired her when Meggie could not provide an alibi for Jasmine when her husband confronts her about his suspicions of her infidelity. Since then, Sephy and Callum's friendship has been secret. As best friends, their relationship is frowned upon by society. After that, Callum's brother and father joined the Liberation Militia, a violent terrorist organisation supposedly aimed at promoting equality between the two races.
Callum is one of the first noughts to start at Heathcroft High, Sephy's exclusive school. Sephy was happy to know that Callum has joined her class.
After not hearing from Callum for a long time, Sephy decided to have a new start at the boarding school Chivers. She sent a letter to Callum telling him to run away with her, if he doesn't contact her then she'll leave to attend the boarding school. Unfortunately the letter didn't reach Callum and when Sephy left, she thought that their friendship isn't as important to him as it is to her.
Years later, Sephy returns home from Chivers and finds a letter sent by Callum saying that they should meet up. When she got there, she finds Callum standing with the other members of the Liberation Militia. they kidnapped her and brought her to their hideout. The members of the L.M. delivered a message to Sephy's dad telling him to release at least five Liberation Militia members from prison and pay a sum of money if he wants to see Sephy alive. a member of the L.M. worked for Sephy's dad but the other members didn't know and so in the end, 1 was killed and the other put in jail. Callum then came in and freed Sephy. Later on, they had a baby and decided to name it Callie Rose if it was a girl, and it was a girl. Unfortunately Callum was arrested. when he was about to be hang, he heard Sephy screaming "I love you" so he shouts it back without knowing if she heard it or not.
this book was really good and i really enjoyed reading it :)

Double Cross

Everyone assumes the bomb that killed Callie Rose's grandmother was the work of a nought terrorist. But Callie Rose knows the truth - and her fear of the past leaves her afraid for her future. Her boyfriend Tobey is worried about his own future. Tobey hopes to keep out of trouble, go to university, get a good job and leave the dangerous streets of his childhood behind. But Tobey is discovering that he can't keep clinging to some kind of no-man's land while the neighbourhood around him is carved up by rival gangs. Then he is offered the chance to earn some ready money just making a few 'deliveries'. He doesn't want a part of that world, the world of gangs. But maybe he could get away with it, just this once ...He doesn't realize how his decision will bring violence down on both himself and Callie and just how far he will go in fighting back.

dreamdark: silksinger

In Silksinger, Magpie is promised the Djinn King to find and awaken the surviving Djinn so that they can reweave the Tapestry and keep all existence intact. While Magpie's power to weave the Tapestry has kept the apocalypse at bay and preserved dying magics, it's still largely unpredictable and can hinder as much as it helps, so the rest of the Djinn are needed to restore the Tapestry to its former glory.
Whisper Silksinger flees from her ruined home with a battered teakettle that secretly contains the Azazel, a sleeping Djinn that her dying clan has guarded for thousands of years. After an army of devils destroys her home and murders her remaining family members trying to find the Azazel, she decides to take the Djinn to Nazneen, the Azazel's capital city, to awaken him by restoring him to his ancient throne.
Magpie and her crew of crows have found out about Whisper's quest and have vowed to make sure that she can successful bring the great Djinn to the throne. Little does this small crew know that Whisper has someone looking out for her, a young faerie (Hirik) who is from a long lost faerie clan holds a secret that will help in the quest to bring Azazel back to the world. She must make it to his temple and restore him before she is caught by the evil band of devils following her, trying to stop the this quest from being completed.

Revelations - Melissa de la Cruz - 288 pages

revelations is the third book of the blue bloods novel series.

in this book, Schuyler is forced to live with the forces at their townhouse, where Jack, her crush and Mimi, her rival live.
though even now that she lives in the townhouse jack ignores her more than ever and Mimi turns her life into torture, well, tries to.
one day she finds a book slipped under her door with a key and a note where to meet. she was certain it was Jack and they have been secretly seeing each other ever since.
to make matters worse, Schuyler has made oliver her familiar, which is forbidden against clan law to make a conduit a familiar. when drinking his blood, she saw his memories and realized that he had loved her ever since.

bliss met Dylan again, but she's too afraid to tell anybody, even Schuyler , her best friend. she rarely has her blackouts now, but she is seeing a man in a white suit instead. she has no idea who it is.
one day, Dylan saw Schuyler and attacked her, accusing her of being a silver blood. he goes into rehabilitation and has absolute amnesia.

Oliver found out about Schuyler's secret meetings with Jack. He confronts her and forces her to choose between him or Jack, who is bond to another in his previous cycles.
her heart is torn between duty and passion, love and freedom.
Bliss also suspects who the man in the white suit is. but she's too afraid to tell herself that it is the prince of heaven himself.
