Ethan Wate was just an ordinary boy in a boring old town of Gatlin. He had been haunted with dreams of a beautiful girl he never met. Things changed when he met Lena Duchannes the new girl in town. Lena was not an ordinary girl even though that was what she always wanted. She's struggling to keep her powers concealed and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. However the secrets cannot stay hidden for ever. Ethan and Lena falls in love. Ethan soon finds out about Lena and what she really is however when they are together Ethan are in dangerous. Of course Ethan never knew about this. Lena is Old Man Ravenwood's niece. Old Man Ravenwood has lived in this town for a very long time. However he never leaves his house.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Ethan Wate was just an ordinary boy in a boring old town of Gatlin. He had been haunted with dreams of a beautiful girl he never met. Things changed when he met Lena Duchannes the new girl in town. Lena was not an ordinary girl even though that was what she always wanted. She's struggling to keep her powers concealed and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. However the secrets cannot stay hidden for ever. Ethan and Lena falls in love. Ethan soon finds out about Lena and what she really is however when they are together Ethan are in dangerous. Of course Ethan never knew about this. Lena is Old Man Ravenwood's niece. Old Man Ravenwood has lived in this town for a very long time. However he never leaves his house.
City of Bones - Cassandra Clare - 512 pages.

Beautiful darkness - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl - 503 pages (2 books)
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
Good Night Mister Tom
tell me no lies
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Alex Rider:Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

The Machine Gunners by Robert Westall

Saturday, March 26, 2011
City Of Glass

city of ashes
city of bones

In this book, a girl called Clary has supernatural powers and she can see things that normal humans can't see: for example vampires, werewolves, Shadowhunters, etc. Later on in the book, she falls in love with a shadowhunter called Jace. He was also in love with her. But then Valentine (an evil Shadowhunter who wants the mortal instruments all to himself) showed up and told them that they were brothers and sisters. Read the next book the find out what happens next.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Kane Chronicles - The Red Pyramid
Alex Rider: SnakeHead
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Percy Jackson & The Sea of Monsters

Percy finds out that Tyson is a Cyclops and Poseidon claims him as his son. Annabeth and Percy ask Tantalus to send somebody on a quest to find the Golden Fleece, which he does, sending Clarisse. Percy receives help from Poseidon, who gives them three Hippocampi, and together with Annabeth and Tyson, ends up on a passing cruise ship, the Princess Andromeda, which is revealed to be owned by Luke. They are captured and learn that Luke is trying to reform Kronos the father of the gods entering the Sea of Monsters, known to mortals as the Bermuda Triangle. Percy forgets to remove her knife, and she manages to free herself, and almost reaches the land, but Percy manages to save her; in doing so, he learns that the Sirens' song made Annabeth see what she wanted most: her parents reunited and Luke converted back to good, all having a picnic, in front a brand new Manhattan, rebuilt by Annabeth. They reach the island of Polyphemus and save Grover with the help of Tyson and Clarisse, recovering the Fleece in the process. They make their way to Florida, and Percy sends Clarisse, with the fleece, back to camp. Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Tyson are captured by Luke. Percy manages to contact camp with an Iris-message, tricking Luke into admitting he poisoned Thalia's tree. In a duel with Luke, Percy is nearly killed. He is saved by Chiron. This book is a pretty interesting book and it leads to the next chapter makes me want to read on. I think that this book has a good plot and storyline.
Monday, March 21, 2011

This is the third book in the Silver wing trilogy this is when Shade had a son and his son had gotten lost in the underworld where Cama Zotz god of the cannibal bats live. Shade is now on an epic journey to save his son. He would face the worst enemies and an unsuspecting foe. Will Shade and his son survive all of this?
Chicken soup for the soul Teens talk relationships of family,friendship and love
"The Baseball Spirit"
It was summer, and my parent sent me to spent time with my granpa for my 13th birthday. He had been diagonised with cancer the christmas before. I was in this rebellious stage, And i decided to bring my skateboard and sreluctkates and not spend much time with him. I knew some kids down the street, and i was going to hang out with them. I was a major baseball fan (I strongly favoured the Cardinals), So when i was packing, i slipped my baseball glove in my backpack too, thinking maybe i could play a little catch. I had planned everything. Dont get me wrong, I wasnt trying to be mean or anything; I love my grandparents, and i would b great to see my granpa. I was just not planning to hang out with him; but then, i never thought the spirit of baseball could bring 2 people together the way that it did that way that summer. I was on the computer at my granparents house and granpa asked me if i wanted to play catch. "sure" i said, reluctantly. We went outside to play catch, and at first i didnt think much of it, but with every throw, i realized that i was feeling more and more connected to him. I felt like i could've played catch with my granpa forever. Later that night, he showed me his Mark McGwire first then baseman's mitt and his Micky Mantle bat. I thought those were the coolest things in the world. On august 13, we went to a saint Louise Cardinal's game at Busch Stadium. While i was watching my heroes, like Fernando Vina, Albert Pujols, Jim Edmonds and Mark McGwire, my granpawas telling me all about his childhood heroes. Through that whole game, I felt even more connected to him. Toward the end of my time in Illinois, I found Granpa's book about Mark McGwire's historic 1998 season. He caught me looking at it so much that he decided i could keep it and he signed it to me: To:Caleb Mathewson From : Maynard Mathewson "MATTY" remember the summer of 2001 ~ Granpa... I didnt think much of the autograph then, but later i treasured it more than anything. That night I had to get ready to go home, and we decided to go outside and play catch for what turned out to be one last time. my granpa and i laughed and talked while i did my best imitation of the top major legue pictures, not knowing how much i would treasure this moment later in life. I came back to Illinois the next summer wih my family to see him. My grandpa was confined to his bed and barely able to walk. The cancer had spread to everybone in his body. The very last time i saw him was the last night i was there. I was in his room watching the Cardinals game on television with him. He struggled to sit up and said, "If anything happens to me, I want you to have my Mark McGwire first baseman's mitt and my Mickey Mantle bat." It meant so much to me, I cant even explain it. I could barely hold back my tears. 2 days later, his lungs filled up with fluid and on August 13 2002, Maynard Mathewson died at 1:00 am., exactly one year to the day of attending that Cardinals game with me, which was still so fresh in my memory. When i went to his funeral, on his casket there were 2 baseball caps. 1 was a Yankess cap and the other was the same St. Louis Cardinals cap that he wore to the Cardinals game that we attended together. Because of my grandpa and the love for the game that we shared, I know that I'll always have the baseball spirit in me. The bat, the glove and the book that he gave me are always with me to remind me that my grandpa, Maynard Mathewson, and I will forever be connected by the spirit of baseball and the summer we spent together
~Caleb Mathewson
This story has touched me and made me teary because it is a true story and how they connected to each other. There are many more fantastic true stories in this book but "The baseball spirit is my favourite story.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
City Of Ashes

This book is the sequel to the book 'City Of Bones', the book I've recently read. I've enjoyed this book as much as I've enjoyed reading the first one, I think the author did a fantastic job of writing this book to make readers such as myself find it very interesting to read.
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters

When Percy comes back to Camp Half-Blood for the summer, he knows that something weird is up. The magical borders that protect the campers and stop monsters getting in is fading, resulting in danger. This is all because Thalia's tree is dying; someone poisoned it. Chiron's been fired and Tantalus is now in charge of all the activities. Tantalus doesn't care about Thalia's tree and the fact that everyone is in danger, but Percy, Annsbeth and Tyson the Cyclopes know they have to do something. Percy has dreams about Grover (who is on a quest looking for the Great Pan) but is now traped on a island by an evil Cyclopes. In the morning, Annsbeth tells Percy that the Golden Fleece can save Thalia's tree, but the fleece has been lost for centuries. Then, at night, Percy has a new dream about Grover, and again, that island appeares. It's really beautiful and tropical and there's this golden thing hanging in one of the trees. The Golden Fleece. When Percy tells Annabeth about this, she tells him that Grover must be using Telepathicy to reach Percy and that the fleece really is on that island, the ine where Grover is trapped. In the Sea of Monsters. As Thalia's tree only has a few weeks to live in, Percy, Annabeth and Tyson sneak out of camp, with help from Hermes, and set sail for the Sea of Monsters. On their journey, they overcome Scylla and her sister Charybdis, Circe the enchantess and the oldest and biggest Cyclopes ever. However, will they have time to return? And can the fleece really save Thalia's tree?
Another fabulous Percy Jackson book by Rick Riordan, filled with humour, action and acient greek mystery. I greatly enjoyed reading this book and it's one of the best I've ever read. it!
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Bad stuff always seemed to happen to 12 year old Percy Jackson; he'd get in trouble for no reason at school, teachers hated him, and recently, monsters chased him. When Percy's mum takes him on a weekend trip to the sea side, everything seemed perfectly normal, however, all that was about to change: at night, Grover, the satyr shows up outside their door and tells Percy and Sally (his mother) that it isn't safe for Percy to be out in the real world anymore. Percy is really confused but follows Grover and his mother to Camp Half-Blood, the place were his father, who Percy never knew, had told Sally that Percy would be safe. They get attacked by the Minotor, which kills Sally and knocks Grover out of consionness. Luckly, Percy defeates the Minotor and brings Grover to Camp Half-Blood. Here, Percy learns that he is not just any normal kid, but that he is in fact a son of Poseidon, the sea God (everyone at Camp Half-Blood is half God). He befriends Annabeth, daughter of Athena, meets Chiron, the famou centaur would trained all the Greek heroes and finds out that he is excellent at sword fighting. But all is not well. Up on Olympus, Zeus' matser bolt is missing and Percy is the main suspect. Now it's up to him to find the real theif, travel to the Underworld and get back the master bolt or else there will be a civil war between the Gods, which is a really bad thing. And he has to do this in 10 days time...
This is one of the greatest books that I've ever read. The plot is really well thought through and I can relate to how the characters and their emotions. The mordern twists that Rick Riordan has put on the acient greek myths are really clever and funny. I just couldn't put this book down and I definately recommend this to girls and boys alike :D
Saturday, March 19, 2011
City Of Bones

I love reading this book because it is packed with action and humour at the same time! This book is about a girl named Clary and her mother suddenly went missing and she was so scared, then she started seeing things that nobody else sees and she was 'special'. Afterwards she went to this institute where she met Jace, Alec, Isabelle and Hodge the people who she've 'seen' the other day. She discovers that she isn't normal and discover secrets and herself and her mother. Then, Clary must search for the Mortal Cup before Valentine (an evil shadowhunter) finds it but the problem is she has no clue where the cup is! Throughout the book Clary finds out who she really was and who her mother really was and there is a completely different world then just us humans. There are creatures like vampire and werewolves even angels and demons too!
Friday, March 18, 2011
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
This book is amazing!. It is full of suspense and adventure. This book is about a girl called Clary Fray. The moment she saw a blue haired boy killed by three strange looking teenagers her life had changed. It seems that she was the only person who could see this happening. Clary starts to wonder what was happening. The next day Clary receives a phone call from her mom saying that she should not come home. Clary became worried and rushes home and finds that a disaster had struck her home. The next couple of days nothing remains ordinary to Clary. With her mom missing and her house torn apart she has no one to rely on except for her best friend Simon. The journey starts for her when she was taken away to a mysterious place by a boy called Jace. There is alot she has to learn about the world she lived in. Humans and animals weren't the only things on the planet. What she thought was stories and myths all came true. As she goes on this dangerous journey to save her mom she soon learns about shadow hunters, demons and much more. Life will never be the same as the secrets are soon revealed to her. Her mom was not an ordinary woman. Clary will soon have to face her biggest fears.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The HItchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Harry potter and the deathly hollows

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl - 563 pages.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry attempts to attack Black when Lupin arrives. Hermione confronts Lupin about habits she has observed during her classes with him. The Marauders remained friends after growing up, and when they learned Voldemort was after the Potters, Black became their Secret-Keeper. However, Black then reveals that he had secretly switched this duty with Pettigrew in order to serve as a decoy. However, as they return to the castle, the full moon emerges and Lupin transforms into a werewolf. Pettigrew transforms back into a rat and escapes while Lupin loses control in his wolf form. Black is knocked out by Lupin, who is about to kill Harry when a strange howl alerts Lupin and lures him away from Harry. Harry finds an unconscious Sirius lying by a pond, where Dementors suddenly descend on the pair and nearly kill them. Harry awakes in the castle to learn that Black has been captured. To save him, Harry and Hermione use the Time-Turner to travel back in time and prevent his capture. Harry and Hermione rescue Buckbeak and re-watch the scenes of the night, until they see the Dementors cornering Harry and Sirius. Harry at the end was worried if Voldemort will return by help but Dumbledore back him up. This is a book that i like about because it makes me want to continue to read further on the story to see what happen to Harry!
Percy Jackson & The Last Olympians

Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
plundering paradise
100 mile an hour dog

This is the next book after the book silver wing in the silver wing trilogy. This book is a very fun book to read. It interests me a lot and these books made me follow through this epic trilogy. At the end of the book Silver wing Shade (the main character) has united with his family at last , with his friend Marina (bright wing). In this book he went on a quest in search of his father when they arrived at Hibernaculum. He found a human building with all the resources that they needed and thought that this was the promise of Nocturna the bat God. But the humans tested on him and place an explosive on his belly so that he can help them with their war. After he got captured, his friend Marina and his mother went in search for him. Finding themselves stuck in the jungle where the cannibal bats lived, will Shade ever find his father Cassiel, will he ever 'save the sun', you will know when you read it. :)
black rabbit summer
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Once in a lifetime

a hero's daughter

for his bravery on world war II Ivan Demidov was made a hero of the Soviet Union but the subsequent decades have brought hardship, and when his wife dies, he turns to vodka. in contrast his daughter's job as an interpreter gives her access to a metropolitan lifestyle beyond her parents' dreams.
disaster bunnies save the day! (kind of)
pig-heart boy
All American Girl - Ready or Not
This is the following book of All American Girl.
This book is about Samantha Madison, still teen ambassador to the United Nations, as well as dating the President's son, David. Sam is worried David wants to take their relationship to the next level.
She also begins taking life drawing which she
doesn't realize is drawing pictures of naked people. She is still a semi-celebrity for saving the President's life.
The President recently announced his "Return to Family" campaign. Samantha is faced with a huge dilemma when it appears that she condemns the "Return to Family" policy on an MTV special.
During this time, Samantha’s sister Lucy is also conflicted because she has fallen in love with her SAT tutor, Harold, but he does not appear to admire her back.
Read this book and find out what happens next.
In my opinion, I think this book is good but not great. This book is more directed to girls as it is written in Sam's point of view.
Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Ugly Truth

Saturday, March 12, 2011
harry potter and the goblet of fire

I Am Number Four - Pittacus Lore
Nine children came to earth because their planet was invaded by Modagorians (evil aliens). Each and one of them has special legacies that one day they will have special powers and defeat the Modagorians. The book talks about one of the special children - Number Four, and how he is now the next target of the Modagorians. They've already killed Number 1-3 and he knows that he is next. He has been running away from them with his keeper Henri for the past 10 years and now he is at higher risk that ever. When he was at Ohio he fell in love with a girl named Sarah because of her John Smith (his current name) wouldn't want to leave Ohio and face the Modagorians even though it would risk everyone's lives.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Torment - Lauren Kate
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Need - Carrie Jones

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Cardturner - Louis Sachar

Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
James' Review
If you cannot hear anything, please inform me and I will record with better software because of technical difficulties.
Worst Video Log I've Ever Done
the 5 people you meet in heaven review
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Once in a House on Fire by Andrea Ashworth
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The Dark by Marianne Curley
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
ranger's apprentice - the ruins of gorlan

After training, Halt and Will team up with another apprentice called Gilan to protect their country-Araluen from the beasts, Kalkaras, dispatched by the evil Morgarath. Decade ago, Morgarath used advantage of his competence to recruit an army, prepared to subvert the King, but being discovered and defeated by Halt. Now the time has come, it's time to revenge and it's time for Will to prove what he had learnt from his lusty tutor.

New moon

New Moon is a fantastic novel. It entertains the reader because of its amazing author Stephanie Meyer. This book took me 2 weeks to read because of its crazy amount of pages (563). In addition, this book is great to read from ages 11 and over. Furthermore, this is because some parts are confusing than others, but overall this book is excellent. New Moon has a variety of different genres combined in it, consisting of romance, comedy and as some people say this boo is an action packed book. Moreover i believe that this is a great boom to read when your bored or have nothing to do or even before you go to sleep. New Moon is about a teenage girl called Bella who's finds out her boyfriend, Edward is a vampire. When he has to leave forever she becomes distraught and decides to suicide because she believe he will come back if she suicides. When she almost kills herself purposely driving extremely fast o a motorcycle She sees him and..................... To find out the tragic or happy ending read this marvelous book it is superb!!!!!
Noughts and Crosses
Double Cross
dreamdark: silksinger