Tuesday, March 15, 2011

plundering paradise

the sroty is about a boy called Nathan. Like other kids in 18th century, Nathan goes to school, having friends...........But Nathan has a special passion than other kids don't-pirates. Those images keep coming when Nathan shut his eyes, even in class, he can't concentrate on the lessons. One day, he learns that his dad is no longer in this life, he getsd shocked and get into a boring life. But requite, he met a real pirate's son-Tamo White. this boy suggests Nathan and his sister to go home with him, to the land of pirate, to Madagascar. Dreams come true, why does he ha have to miss this chance. The adventures make him brave, make him be a true man. It lights up his dull life, replace parental love with sword fight. In Madagascar, everyone has the same thought-heroes larger than life. Nathan has to follow if he wants to live.

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