Tuesday, March 15, 2011

black rabbit summer

this book is about a boy called Pete Boland who was doing nothing during summer. All he did everyday was lie down and rest, or sometimes go outside and sit on his lawn in the sun. Then one of his old friend, Nicole called. But she wasn't just any friend, she was his crush when they were still in school. She asked him if he wanted to go to the fun fair, at the old den where they used to play. She told him to meet there with their other friends at 9:30pm. But where there are old times, there are old tensions and and as secrets, bitterness and jealousies resurface, five old friends are plunged into the worst night of their lives... some of them may not even make it out alive...
Read this book to find out what happens to them. This book was really good and i would recommend other people to read it.

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