Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Need - Carrie Jones

When Zara's stepfather dies, she is heartbroken. Basically, she's just an emptty hole; nothing matters anymore. So her mother sends Zara to Grandma Betty who lives in a sleepy, cold, snowy town called Maine to try and wake up her emotions again. Betty picks up Zara at the airport in Maine and together they drive home to Betty's house, talking and catching up with each others lives. However, Betty nearly drives into a guy standing really close to the road and she has to make a sharp turn to avoid him. When Zara looks back to see if the guy is okay, he's gone. Then at school (were Zara's quickly made friends with Issie, Devyn and school hottie Nick) in the canteen, Zara sees the same guy that Betty nearly ran over standing out side, by the window, pointing. At her. She freaks out , as she has no idea who the guy is and she tells Is, Devyn and Nick that ever since her stepfather died, she's seen the guy everywhere : outside the window of her parents house, at the airport, on the road and now here. They all go to the libray and find out that the guy must be a pixie. But not the tiny flower garden type. No, a super dangerous pixie king who needs a queen as he is growing weak, loosing his power and his control. Devyn realises that if the king does not find a queen soon, he'll start taking young males as blood tributes to fulfill his extreme need. The next day a boy dissappears. The group has to do something quickly, before things get out of control. But not everyone is who they seem to be, and this sleepy Maine town is hidding some dark secret, and it has something to do with Zara..

I greatly enjoyed reading this book as it made me think about what happened to the dissappearing boys and who that guy is, perdicting what will happen next. It was slightly creepy, what with the stalker guy following Zara, but the plot is really good and I was positively surprised (as I had expected some pretty 'blah' teen novel). It kept me interested and it really captured my attention. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy reading fantasy


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