Saturday, April 30, 2011

Artemis Fowl

This book, Artemis Fowl, is by Eoin Colfer, and is a really great book. It has a lot of subtle humour in it, which I like because most books I read don't, but unfortunately I started the second book and was a few chapters in before I realized it was the second book, so I knew what was going to happen. It's about a boy genious, Aretmis Fowl, who finds out about the secret Fairy world underground. he then plans to kidnap a fairy, Captain Holly Short, for a ransom, but plans backfire when things get dangerous.

I think it is a superb fantasy book, and I would reccomend people read it, though it is a bit short and undescriptive, but maybe I think that because I just finished reading LotR :)

Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith

this book is about a girl called Miranda who was an ordinary human girl. she had a guardian angel called Zachary who always watches over her without her knowing it. Zachary's job was to protect her without her knwoing but one day, Miranda went out at night with her best friend and got caught by a vampire. Zachary had no choice but to show himself and go save her. he broke the rule, his powers are taken from him and he is stuck on earth. Miranda then got turned into a vampire, not just any vampire but a vampire princess. she died and in the afterlife, she goes to a vampire school.

now that she turned into a vampire, Zachary goes undercover to save Miranda's soul before anything else bad happens to her. they then fell in love with each other. now over a year, they are both about to get a second chance.

i really enjoyed this book and i'd recommend people to read it.

city of glass

this book is the third book of the mortal instruments.
A war was caused because of the mortal instruments and the Shadowhunters must decide to fight with the Downworlders or against them. meanwhile, Jace and Clary have their own decisions to make: should they pursue their love they know is forbidden?
later on, Jace and Clary finds out that Jace is not actually Clary's brother, Sebastian is (a Shadowhunter who betrays his kind, Valantine's son); and the war is still going on. in the end, the Shadowhunters decided to fight with the Downworlders against Valantine and his demons.

i really, really enjoyed this book and i hope the 4th book will come out soon.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Heroes of Olympus - The Lost Hero

This book is amazing once you have started reading it its really hard to stop, in a way yo can say that it is addicting. This book is all about action, and a little bit of romance. When Jason, Piper and Leo crash-land in camp half-blood, which is a camp for the children of the gods but one of the children's parent would be human. Jason's dad is Zeus, Piper is the daughter of Aphrodite and leo is the son of Hephaestus. There are rumors of curses and a missing hero making there way around the camp. It seems that Jason, Piper and Leo are the chosen ones who must set out on a quest which much be completed by the winter solstice which is in four days time. On there Quest they encounter many obstacles like fighting cyclopes and Fighting King Midas, the king with the golden touch, he was defeated by a lightning bolt that Jason created.Eventually they overcame many obstacles and came back to camp, but this quest was only the start, something much bigger was going on.
I absolutely loved this book cant wait for the next one, that will be The Son Of Neptune.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Will you still love me tomorrow

The novel 'will you still love me tomorrow' has 185 pages all writen by Denis Colby. This is a great book and i think it is mostley for age's 13 and above. It is filled with comody, romance, and is an action packed book. This fiction novel is a great book to read on holiday or even at home. I enjoyed this book thurelly and cannot wait until the next onde comes out. Unfortunately the thing that let me doen was the fact that denis colby does not write descriptively enough to make the book seem more intence in some scenes in some situations. Additionally soem parts i the book were confusing and i diddent understand parts. Overall i think if you like romance and action mixed together in one book then this book is for you. A quick summery of the book is Chloe and Emma are thrilled when they win a summer holiday to a tropical island. Two weeks in paradise with total freedom! And when they meet a famous pop star, it looks like glamour an excitement are just around the corner. But in two short weeks Chloe and Emma's whole world is turned upside down, and their lives will change forever....... Find out how these young girls lives change forever by reading this fantastic novel by Denis Colby.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Story of Treacy Beacker

This book is a great book by Jaqueline Wilson. Unfortunately i diddent enjoy the book as much as i wanted to, this is because i think it is more for ages 7-10 and waseent a very descriptive book. Jaquelin Wilson is known for writing novels for ages 10 and under. In additon there was only 157 pages. The book is about a girl named Tracy Beaker whos parents gave her up for addoption when she was younger. All she can remember is her mother with lnong, slilky golden sand hair witha divine face. Unfortunately for treacy beacker that is only her emagination and she is willing to find her real mother and father. When the day arrives and she only has her one best friends shoulder to lean on because she is errrified, her mother finally arrives and she finds out that....................................... If your willing to find out hat is to become of Treacy and how her life will turn out now she has finnaly met her mother youa re going to have to read this book. I personally think you shoulddetn read this book because of what age this book is for.

White Fang by Jack London

Great book, in fact, one of my favourite books of all time. I find that there is so much death in this book I find it amusing, as if you know some one else is going to die before the book ends.
Brief Lists of Death: Sled Dog team, Bill, One eye, Grey Beaver's Brother, Some cat creatures, some more cat creatures, bulldog.

So as you can see, Death is mearly a few more words to read in this book.

Wolf Brother - Michelle Paver - 293 pages.

this book is one of the most interesting books i have read. i really like this book and it's different from the other books i read because i usually read books that are in this century (with the exception of clockwork angel :) but this book happened just after the age of the dinosaurs and ice age.

its about a 12 year old boy named Torak. he has lived his whole life away from the clans, even his own wolf clan. Now his father is dead, slain by a demon in the form of a great bear. it wasnt a coincidence that his father was killed by that demon. why? because it's purpose was to kill Fa (Torak's father). and now torak must kill it, though he doesnt even know how to fight, or where to find it, since he is only a kid.
but of course, he doesnt do it alone. his only other friend, a wolf cub, will play a great part himself, as the guide.

Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke

Are you a fan of Batman? Stephen, I see your hand up.... Then this book is probably your best fit. It has a brilliant sense of action, comedy and mystery. It has been made into a feature film and originally in german. It was translated by Oliver Latsch into english. However, I found the book a bit too confusing and I could easily compare this book to the movie Inception but other than that you could wrap it up and give it to a kid on Christmas. Tension is well developed through out this book and the fianle really ends in a special way.

Leap year

This novel 'Leap Year' is a fantastic novel. I read all 212 exhiliarating pages full of action, humor, comody and much,much more, if you are that type of reader than this book is for you. fortunately this book is more for age 13-16 as wendy Moss is a very detailed writer with alot of drama that goes into her books. The novel is basically about a girl who is bornon a leap year, therfore she is quite misrabelle because all her other friends have birthdays yearly apart from her, so she feels left out. Moreover forchunately for her when it is her birthday it is a Exceptionall one as her mothr regrets her birth-date and holds a huge poarty for her. There is much much more to find out if you reas this book. I personally was confused at some parts as hey were extreamely descriptive and informativ, but overall it was a AWSOME book and i think YOU should read it.

The Lord of The Rings

This series of books by J.R.R. Tolkien is a great way to spend your time, though it is very long and descriptive so some people might get bored (Not me though! :)) It starts off quite a while after The Hobbit finished, and the first chapter or so is explaining about what happened in between that time. I like how this book is written in a way that, to me, makes me think that it is Frodo or Bilbo is writing it, because although it is written in a storylike way, it could be thought of as Travel Writing, because sometiems there are stars to explain what something is, and also there is an index, which I think this a really neat touch to the book, giving it more depth.
I also only realized how old the book is when I started reading it by some of the language Tolkien uses such as ere (Before) or adding an 's' on to the end of the word hundred and thousand. I also like that even though I had seen the movies before, I still didn't know what was going to happen, because Tolkien wrote it in a way that the directer didn't reinact exactly, for example the ending is a big surprise.
I think anyone should read this, because it is a great book, and the first of its kind, and the way Tolkien uses description is great.

Bluestar's Diary

This book by Erin Hunter is a great book about Bluestar's whole life, with about 500 pages, starting with the prologue being at her death, then starting in chapter 1 when she is about to open her eyes for the first time. I think it is really good because the auther uses a lot of twists and even though we know what's going to happen roughly, because the books written before it are based after it, there are still pleanty of surprises.
This is probably my favourite single book (Not in a series) because of it's individuality and how it is a big mix of lots of genres.
Read it and you will be happy. :D

The secret Diary of Adrian Mole

The book 'the secret diary of Adrian mole' is a great book to read. I thurelly enjoyed reading all 261 pages. Sue Townsend is a fantastic writer, unforchunately i would have prefered the book much more if it was more age appropreate, overall i think this book is more for ages 14 and over. On the other hand i personally thought some parts of the book were great and very fun because the book was very dramatic. It is a fiction book. The book is basically about a young boy that goes througha matter of hard stages in his life, Additonaly his parents have a devorce and his dog is living in the basement and has to bee lookes after by Adrians grandmother. Furthermore, Adrian meets a girl called Panadora who he istantly falls in love with. I think this is a good book to read for older ages.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I'm not so happy about reading this book nor the book's ending. I've enjoyed some chapters in this book but overall it wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be, I guess this book isn't suitable for me because I'm not interested in reading about zombies.
The book is about a year 9 kid called Nick Gautier who's life has been completely messed up since the day school starts. So, there was some attacks in the city about zombies eating other people and this is because they've been playing this video game which turns them into zombies. Many insane things had happen to Nick for example he got a job offering for this guy who pays him a lot of money and it is not even a proper job. Nick is a very important person in this book, it says that he was special and have great powers but it wasn't revealed in this book. This isn't my favourite book, but it isn't the worst book I've read, I recommend this book to boys who likes zombies and killing them.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Unique - Alison-Allen Gray

One afternoon, when Dominic was cleaning out the attic with his half mad Granpa, Pops, he found a photo album, with pictures of his childhood. However, as he aged in the photos, he couldn't remember himself being there. But what really freaked him out was the last pisture:a pisture of himself, 3 years older. How on earth could that be possible? That couldn't be he asked Pops, who told that that was the old Dominic, Dominics brother. Dominic had a brother, who he never knew excisted, who looked exactly like him and who even had the same name as himself. Why had his parents not said anything about this other Dominic? He wanted answers. So, later, Dominic asked his mother if he had had a brother. But insted of saying 'no, how did that crazy idea pop into your head?' she aasked how he found out. In an extremely scared voice. So Dominic told that he had found the album, and that he wanted to know more. But she wouldn't tell him. Nor would his father. Why were they being so secretive about this? well, if they weren't gonna tell him, he would find out himself...And that's when the chaos began.

I found this book interesting as it was unlike anything I had ever read before. This book was really good at the beginning, I thought that it got a little boring as most of it was Dominic being really angry and confused about what he had found out about himself. Also the ending was a bit cramped as most of the eciment was squished into the last 7-ish pages. The ending was a bit disappointing as it ended quite suddenly and I didn't get to know what would happen to Dominic. Eventhough there's quite a bit of bad critique here, I would recommend this book for a quick read, as reall, it is a rather enjoyable book.


Pretty Little Liars - Sara Shepard

Alison, Hanna, Spencer, Emily and Aria were best friends, until that night when Alison mysteriously disappeared. After that, they all drifted apart; Aria moved to Iceland, Emily trained every single day for the swimming championship, Hanna was busy putting her past behind her and creating a new cool image, and Spencer took on way too much work for her to handle. They all led similar lives, but since Ali was gone, there was no connection between them; the past was just too painful to think about, what with all the dark secrets that only Ali knew and The Jenna Thing.

So of course Aria wasn't looking forward to moving back to Rosewood, as it would remind her of that time when her and Ali, it was to hard to even think about it. But when she met Ezra at Snookers, she just knew that they were meant to be together; there was such a connection between them....too bad he turned out to be her English teacher.When Maya moved into Ali's old house, Emily went to say hi, just to be a friendly neighbour (and because her mom told her). Strangely, as soon as she met Maya, they just clicked. It was so easy to be around her, and after that evening at the Kahn party...But Emily had a boyfriend, plus, she wasn't into girls. Was she? This year, Spencer had pilled on way too many extra clubs, oh, and she was also vice president. When she's introduce to her sister's new boyfriend, she immediately fell for him. And was he into her too, or was she only imagining it? As Hanna was now the 'Queen' of the school, everything was great. Except when she was chought shop lifting. And when she was found guilty driving drunk in a stolen car...But at least she hadn't gotten into her old gross habit. Yet. As the girls face each of their own problems, another is thrust upon them: someone called A is texting them, watching their every move and reveiling their deep, dark secrets. Secrets only Ali knew. But Ali is long gone, probably dead. And dead girls don't talk...Or do they?

I really enjoyed reading this book and I was positivly surprised at how good it was, as I was expecting another boring teen 'blah' book. But this book kept me interested as the girls secrets where partly reveiled, which left me wondering what really happened and what on earth The Jenna Thing was. I would definately recommend this book to others and I'm looking forward the read the next in the series!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Alex Rider:Point Blanc by Anthony Horowitz

This book is the second book in the Alex Rider adventuries series and it has well been a great exciting opening 2 chapters to this series. In this book a 14 year old secret agent named Alex Rider who works for London's M-16 is sent on a very dangerous undercover mission. Alex is sent in the role of a student to a finishing school called in the French Alps a place that only accepts the sons of very rich and powerful people. His mission is to investigate whether two murders of very rich men who both sent their sons to the finishing school are related. What neither Alex nor the reader knows is that that Dr. Grief (the person running the school) has an ingenious plan to take over the world using the kids at the school. The entire book is an unfolding of the mystery of what is going on at the school, as Alex makes discovery after discovery, and also is in danger because Dr. Grief and his assistant become aware of what he is up to. When Alex first gets to the school things seem pretty normal except the other kids all seemed to be acting the same and perfectly behaved, like they were brainwashed or something. Alex is told that the third and fourth floors are completely off limits and he knows that something up there is happening. When he gets up to the third floor he sees that is an exact replica of the first floor, including the kids' rooms, and there is evidence that someone is living in each room, doing every single thing that each kid does. In fact, there are televisions in the upper rooms with spying views of the same room downstairs. When Alex is about to leave the school, having seen enough, Dr. Grief catches him and plans to kill him the next morning. Expecting Alex to die Dr. Grief reveals his plan to Alex. 14 years ago Dr. Grief had cloned himself 16 times, the number of kids at the school. After waiting for them to grow to be 14, he opened the school and found the 16 kids who were now the students. He had a plastic surgeon change all his clones in order to look exactly like each one of the kids, and had them copy the kids' actions on the replica third floor. Finally he planned to have each clone of him take their place in the kids' powerful families, and grow into the most powerful people in the world. I thought this book is very fascinating, exciting at many point and hook up my attetion. I really enjoy reading it and love to continue the series further on!

Diary of a wimpy Kid II Rodrick Rules by Jeff Kinney

This is the 2nd book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series and turn out to be quite interesting in my point of view because of the interesting first book where I left off. This book has a good short plot which is easy to understand. Greg Heffley is entering seventh grade. Greg and his friend Rowley are "undersized weaklings" in their school, hoping simply to just survive, but Greg starts having trouble at home, especially since his mom, Susan initiates a "swear jar" that complicates matters when she gives all the money in the jar to Manny, Greg's younger brother. Susan also initiates the "Mom Bucks" program. Mom Bucks is a system in which they earn play moneyby doing extra chores and they can cash it in for real money, each worth one cent, or getting out of doing chores. The program runs into problems when Rodrick takes all of Greg's Mom Bucks to get his poorly written history paper to turn in after the worst case scenario happens. Susan also causes more problems when she bans junk food in the house. Greg also tries every attempt to impress his crush, Holly Hills. Rodrick and Greg have problems throughout the book, including Rodrick and his band, "Loded Diper" throwing a wild party while their parents are away. Greg is forcedto use whatever means he can to cover this up to avoid getting in trouble. I thought this is indeed a worthy book to read and i enjoyed reading it from beggining to end!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Novelization)

Well, I did not exactly put this in my reading list because I read it before the challenge began so yeah. Okay, two years after the battlef of Mission City, the Autobots have allied themselves with Captain Lennox's squad, and are travelling around the world looking for Decepticons and stuff...
Well, apparently, the story was more well layed out than the movie, well obviously because it is simply a book, while Bay took it out and turned it into a movie.
I particularly enjoyed the Twins' conversations and how Leo seems to be tortured by Sam's plans to ranging from distracting a gaurd to reviving a former Decepticon. Okay, so at the beginning, you find Demolisher (I think??) and an Audi R8 called Sideways, so they were rampaging around Shanghai (In the movie there was a little scene, showing a deaf Chinese elder, I feel offended) And Prime learns that a being called "The Fallen" will be back on Earth looking for something. Hearing this, the Autobots looked for Sam for guidance (Even though he was no way related). When sidetracked by a Decepticon named Alice (As in Alice from Wonderland), Leo, Sam, and Mikaela hijacks a car and flees the University Sam and Leo were attending. Well, things went a little bit wrong when the car they were in got pulled up by some chopper Decepticon named Grindor and they plunged 40ft into an (abandoned) warehouse.
There, Sam was interrogated by Megatron (Yes, he's back for more) in a rather dreaful way (He (Sam) got robotic worms put inside of his brain (or nose)), turns out they were looking for a key called the Matrix of Leadership and Sam's brain was given the clues to the place. And Prime comes to save him before Scalpel (An evil Cybertronian surgeon) dissects his brain. Bee assists them but was pulled out of the fight when Starscream interferes with the fight. This caused Prime to almost face defeat but gave the rest of his power to kill Grindor, detach Starscream's hand, however was stabbed through the chest by Megatron (You could say he died). As Autobot reinforcements arrive, the Decepticons fled the scene.
Sam was depressed over Prime's death and sacrifice. The Autobots, ask Lennox and his squad for assistance in helping them find the Matrix of Leadership, they agree and all travel to Egypt, with the help of Jetfire (the former Decepticon, who knew it was in Egypt). Sam favours help from someone called Simmons, a Sector 7 major, who turned out to be Leo's internet rival, Robowarrior. They gained the upper hand on travelling to Egypt, thanks to Jetfire's teleporting powers, and found the tomb by accident when Skids and Mudflap (the Twins) were fighting over who's smarter. Sam holds the Matrix, only to find the 10,000 year old artifact disintegrate into a pile of ashes. Lennox and Epps arrives to the scene before being counterattacked by the Decepticons, now with more backup than ever. In the ensuing battle, Sam get blown by Megatron over the battle field and is critically wounded, facing near death, but his thoughts were visited by the 12 original Primes, whom the Fallen was originally one, and told him to go and because of his trust, they allow him to continue his mission, to use the key to bring Optimus Prime back to life. Sam, is reincarnated, and tosses the matrix into Prime's spark, he is brought back to life but is far too weak to fight. He is then ambushed by the Fallen, who intends to use the Matrix as a key to use the 'Solar Harvestor' to drain out the Sun. Fortunately, Jetfire offers his Jet parts for Prime at the cost of his own spark. With the new power, Prime destroys the Harvestor and impales the Fallen with his own staff, while Megqatron and Starscream flees the scene. Earth is saved again, and the connection between the Autobots and the humans deepen...

Goto the premiere of Transformers: Dark of the Moon! Coming July 1st!

Bad Girls

Bad girls is a book by Jaquelin Wilson, she is a very exceptional and creative writer. unforchunately the book was very unsatisfying. I personally assume that this book is for ages 8-10. Therfore, i found it boring to read. 'Bad girls' the novel is basically a girl called Mandy that has been picked on at school for as long as she can remember. That's why she is delighted when cheeky, daring, full-of-fun Tanya picks her as a friend. Unforchunately for Mandy her mum isn't happy, she thinks Tanya's a BAD GIRL and a bad influence. Mandy's sure Tanya can only get her out of trouble, not into it . . . or could she?
I am a fan of jaquelin wilsons novels but i think this book was not for me.

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Out of all the books I have read over my 13 years of life, I found this book the most rewarding to read. It has basically everthing you would expect from an awesome book and much more. I have checked reviews on the internet towards this book and they have very similar opinions to me. This Horror book is perfect for someone that loves suspense so I completely recommend it. I am looking forward to the next book he writes.

Skulldugery Pleasant

Stephanie was just a normal girl who was coming to her uncle's(her friend) funeral. When she meet a very strange named Pleasant who was her uncle's friend. At the funeral her uncle's will was to give her family all his fortune.(He was a rich writer). When Stephanie was alone in her new house (that her uncle left for her) she was attacked by a stranger who was asking for a mystery key. She was almost killed when she saw the strange man at the funeral...Skullduggery Pleasant. He came in and rescue her using fire balls and a pistol. He shot the stranger and he ran away. When he was fighting his hat, scarf and sunglasses fell off and all that stphanie saw when it fell of was a skull and no eyes. She asked about him and found out that he WAS dead and now kind of alive. Skulldugery told her about different types of magic that he uses and they embark on an epic journey to find out about Stephanie's uncle's death. Who knows what will happen next. Is Stephanie going to be safe around this bag of bones? Who knows.If you want to know then READ IT! It's very good and very worth your time.

Harry Potter and the soccerer's stone

In the first book of Harry Potter, Harry was an orphan, so he still with his nasty uncle and haven't been invited to Hogwarts or even know that he was a wizard himself.

But until the post came from Hogwarts Harry was suprise to even know that someone was writing for him so he was despereted to read it.

His uncle and his aunt has know this day will come so they tried to stop Harry from reading it. But Harry is destined to become a powerfull wizard so then there he had read the letter and is ready to become the most powerfull wizard of the age.

Join Harry and his adventures through Hogwarts and the secrets that he had revealed about this school.

13 Little Blue Envelopes

Moreen Johnson is a great auther, she is very amusing and comes up with fantastic ideas for the book '13 little blue envalopes'. There is 317 pages full of amazing adventures, the novel is about a young woman who embarks on a journey throughout Europe by following instructions left to her in letters by her deceased aunt. She travels and travels until she is caught in dangerous situations but is able to release herself from them. When she notices her 13th envalope goes missing she feels depressed. Futhermore desides to write a letter to her aunt instead, but then realises............... To find out more about this book you should read it because it is brilliant.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

This was the best book in the Mortal Instruments Series. I really enjoyed reading this book. In this book Clary takes a trip to the Shadowhunter's home ; to find the antidote to awake her mother. The only way she can get to Idris is through a portal and Magnus had arranged one. Clary plans to travel through the portal with Jace and the Lightwoods. The only problem is that Jace does not want Clary to go because it is too dangerous there. However Clary still finds a way to go to Idris and she arrived on the outskirts of Alicante the capital. She soon found her way to the city. Once in the City of Glass she is thrown into the largest Shadowhunter battle ever. Valentine's evil plans are in it's final stage and everyone is on full alert not knowing what he will do next. Clary has to warn the Clave but will they listen to her.

In this book Clary finds out all the secrets that had been hidden from her and discovers new powers he did not know of.

I really enjoyed this book it was fantastic and i can't wait for the next book which is City of Fallen Angels.

The Dragon Rider

This book was The Dragon Rider, by Cornelia Funke. It was an okay book, but I wouldn't reccomend it to anyone our age, because it was a big boring and childish. I think it was meant to be read by someone a bit younger than year 8, so overall it was a pretty good book.
It's about a dragon, Firedrake, who has to find a home for his family of dragons, because humans were going to take over where they lived, so he goes with a brownie, Sorrel, and a human boy, Ben. They try to find a hidden place which it is said that dragons used to stay, carefree of humans, because the humans there knew of them, called the Rim of Heaven. However, a giant dragon, with pure gold scales, who eats other dragons, finds out about their expedition and trys to follow them, so that he could find the other dragons.
(528 pages)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Air Head runaway - meg cabot - 320 pages.

this book is very weird, but! even though it's weird, i quite like it.

in the previous books, Em's brain has been deliberately placed into Nikki's body because Nikki overheard something she wasn't supposed to hear, and she threatened to blackmail her boss
(stupid)! nikki wasn't supposed to be alive, but a doctor called doctor Fong rescued her and brought her into hiding with her mom, though now they cant risk getting caught by Stark (the cooperation that did the surgery to Em and Nikki) because Nikki isn't supposed to be alive.
the story starts out with Em (forced) in hiding with Nikki and her family in her fake-boyfriend, brandon's house. Em and Brandon want to know what NIkki overheard so that brandon, can bring down his fathers company. but Nikki doesn't want to tell anything until she gets her body back (right now she is in a cab drivers body that was drinking and driving), but there isn't anyone who can perform the surgery and they aren't sure that Nikki or Em will survive again. they get saved by Frida (Em's little sister), Lulu (Em's roommate) and Christopher (her boyfriend?).
they want to bust Robert Stark of what he has done, but they dont have enough evidence. SO, Em goes to confront robert stark all on her own.
but what she finds isnt what she hopes she would. is it good or bad ? :O i dont know.

Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

This was a great book. I really enjoyed reading it. In this book Lena suffers from a terrible loss of her most beloved uncle. Ethan notices that Lena is pushing him further away hiding secrets from him. Soon he is confused by what is happening. Lena is turning dark and there is nothing he could do to stop it. Now that Ethan has opened his eyes to the dark secrets of Gatlin, there is no going back to the start. Haunted by strange visions only he can see,Ethan is pulled deeper into the secrets of his town's history. Lena is avoiding Ethan and with each day she is growing stronger. On the Seventeenth Moon she will be claimed by the dark or the light side. The choice that Lena makes is what Ethan fears. He has to save her and make sure she makes the correct decision before its too late. Ethan will soon find out who he is in this life and death game. Can he save Lena before she turns Dark...

A breath taking book full of suspense and adventure. I would reccomend this book.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Lying Game

Emma was this girl who had to go into foster care and that she has a miserable life, moving all the time - having new foster guardians every few months. One day when her foster brother showed her this video of this girl getting murdered (or it was an act), he assumed it was her because Emma and the girl being murdered (Sutton) look exactly alike, they must've been long-lost twin. Emma drove to Tuscon where Sutton lived hoping that she will meet Sutton, unfortunately Emma ran into some of Sutton's friends and from then on her life changed. Everybody thought she was Sutton (her twin sister), no matter how much she tries to deny it nobody believes her because Sutton has been a girl who would always lie and pull cruel pranks on everybody. Emma then found out that the Sutton was really dead (the murder sent a note to her), this made Emma worried and she was determined to find out who had murder her sister. Before Sutton died, she had created a game called 'the lying game' where she and her friends would pull pranks on people even though they were dangerous and very cruel Sutton was unstoppable. Still playing the role of Sutton, Emma was suspicious that one of Sutton's best friend could possibly be the one who've killed her but she hasn't got enough evidence to prove it.
It was a fast pace book and it ended with a cliffhanger, this book is the first book to the series Sara Shepard is writing, I really like the plot of this book and how the author has created suspense to just one problem. I also find it very creepy because the ghost of Sutton is observing Emma in this book and the book itself is very mysterious.

small steps

Since I read the novel 'Holes' last year I was always wondering what would be happening after it. Then finally I got to borrow this book. In this book the sub main character from holes, Armpit is the main character who saved famous pop star from murderer. I think this book was worth waiting because it was quite exciting and interesting. I think I liked this book because I already knew the back ground story (in the book, 'Holes') which matched the characteristics with last book. It was quite exciting when Armpit started to get interested in X-rays' ticket buying. Also it was quite amazing when X-ray did not told the truth as he promised to Armpit that he would get all the punishment. I think this book is worth spending time for reading.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clockwork Angel

This book brings me to an entirely different world. I love everything about this book as much as the author's previous book series (The mortal instruments), it is based on the same 'world' as the mortal instruments series but this book was set in England in the Victorian times, which is about hundreds of years ago. A girl name Tessa was force to go to England and live with the Dark Sisters (evil Warlocks who works for the Magister), they were blackmailing (telling Tessa that her brother is in England) her - forcing her to train her special shape-shifting powers and soon be married to the Magister (The magister only wants her because of her special powers). The night before she was going to marry the mysterious guy, Will Herondale rescued her because he was investigating. Tessa unravel secrets about herself and about this whole new world she has discovered, the story goes on as she find her brother and also think she found out who the Magister really is...
If you're interested in reading fantasy books about vampire, werewolves and demons then i highly recommend this book to you.

Beastly by Alex Finn

This is a romance/fantasy novel written by Alex Finn. I love reading this modern fairy tale book and it took me very little time to read this book because it was fast but interesting at the same time. The book is about a very vain boy (Kyle) who would think that he was better than anybody because of his look, so one day a witch curse him, turning him into a hideous beast and gave him 2 years to find someone who would love him and he would've love that person back, it would've been proven by a kiss. The days goes on and he was 'locked' up in a house not wanting to go outside because of his appearance, he lives with his trustworthy maid (Madga) and his blind tutor - they were both paid by his father who was a very rich man and think that his son was a disgrace because of how he looks now. His interest now was to read book, study and gardening - planting roses was now his hobby. One night a man broke into his house but Kyle (change his name to Adrian) caught him on camera so the man would trade his daughter to be free. Kendra the girl that Adrian thought could break the curse came to his house and was force to live there. They soon become friends and trusting in each other...
This book is one of my favourite book to read throughout this reading challenge because the plot is simple but the author made it very amusing and interesting to read.

The Magician (Book 2)

This is the sequel to the book The Alchemyst. I really enjoy reading this book and discovering about the magical world that Sophie and Josh have found themselves stuck in. The twins are now in Paris they travel through this portal that Sophie has created using up all her energy. Sophie's power has been awaken and now the Alchemyst's (Nicolas Flamel) need to find trustworthy immortals to train Sophie the basic elements (Water, Air, Fire and Earth), she has already has knowledge of Air because the witch of Endor has put all her knowledge and memories into Sophie's brain. Throughout the book they've been running away from Dr. John Dee and keeping the twins safe and away from him. Josh's power hasn't been awaken yet and he feels that him & Sophie hasn't bond well thats why Dr.Dee has seek Josh and his powers will soon be awaken but not as safely as Sophie's awakening, this could cause Josh great danger. Josh also doesn't trust the Alchemyst or any of the immortals the only person he trust was his sister Sophie throughout the book Dr. Dee has been trying to make Josh be on his side (the Dark Elder's Side). Sophie & Josh have encounter many immortals and seeking for help during this book and I really enjoy reading about their adventures.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

There's a boy in the girls bathroom by Louis Sachar

This book is all about this boy, Bradley Chalkers who has "serious behaviour problems" according to his teachers, And to every student in the Red Hill School he is the "monster". Bradley Chalkers has no confidence in himself and believes that. He commit for his feelings of inablity by bullying with smaller kids. He is failing in classes and has repeated the forth grade. He cant accept the friendship of the nice new student, Jeff Fishkins. His parents doesnt even know how to help their own son. Then, after a few days, the school hired a school couselor, Carla Davis. Carla insists that students addresses her by her first name, keeps her room messy, and wears unmatched socks. She runs her one on one counseling informally, not insisting the students to go to the particular topic. Above all she does not tell the students what to do, she just help them to think for themselves. Carla encourages Bradley to reach for success, his self worth rises begins to pass, showing the teachers, students and everyone what he is capable of. This book reprsents real issues of growing up such as bullying, teasing, first crushes, moving to new cities and maintaining friendships.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Alchemyst (Book 1)

This book is not as good as i expected it would be, but I've enjoyed reading it. For me, this book isn't exactly my genre but I find it very interesting to read.
So the story is about twins who accidentally find themselves between a battle of good & evil in magic. Nick Fleming is a alchemyst who've been running away from Dr. John Dee to protect the book of Abraham the Mage - the most powerful book that jas ever existed, if Dr.Dee has it he will destroy the world. The twins (Sophie and Josh Newman) are the only people (according to the prophecy) to stop this from happening. They go through adventure but they need to awaken themselves so that their magic are fully powered unfortunately Josh hasn't been awaken yet.
I like this book but some bits are boring but overall if you're interested in magic and myths you should read this book.

Monday, April 4, 2011

City of Ash

This was a really great book full of adventure. This is the second book of the City of Bones series. In this book Simon (Clary's best friend) is turned into a vampire. Valentine is still trying to gather all the mortal instruments. So far Valentine has the mortal cup. In this book Valentine finally has the sword. With this sword he can create an army of demons to rule the world. For the sword to work Valentine will need to take the blood of each of a Downworlder child. He has already has the blood of each of the downworlder child except for a vampire and a werewolf. Valentines plan is to take Simon and Maia's blood ( Maia's a werewolf girl who is Clary's friend). Later in this book Jace finally tells Clary his feelings for her even though they are related. Soon both Jace and Clary finds out about their powers.
I really enjoyed reading this book I couldn't put the book down because it was too good.
I can't wait to read the next book City of Glass.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Frostbite - Richelle Mead - 336 pages

Rose Hathaway in in her senior year at St.Vladmir’s. in six months, she’ll be a full fledged guardian, and she’s got only one Moroi in her mind, her best friend Lissa.

Rose was on her way take her Qualifier. She's going to be tested by one of the guardian greats, Arthur Schoenberg. Since he cannot leave the Moroi royal house he is guarding, Rose and her teacher, Dimitri, are coming to them.

Instead of a healthy and alive household, what they find is slaughter, everywhere. All Moroi and Dhamphir members of the household are dead--apparently a plot by the Stigoi vampires and humans in conjunction.

St. Vladimir's reacts with alarm. The school won't be allowing the students to leave on Christmas break. Instead, a ski resort will host all the students together and attendance is compulsory.

Then--another Royal house is attacked and it becomes obvious the Strigoi are set to attack all the Moroi royalty and end the lines. While the Moroi are arguing defense, some of the factions are considering a more offensive approach--which, to this point, has been forbidden.

But rose and her friends cant stand just sitting there, waiting while the other Guardians do nothing, only wait for orders from the royal court that seem to never come. So they set off, to search and kill strigoi. They all knew it was a suicide mission, as everyone knows, the strigoi are ‘immortal’.

Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead - 332 pages.

this book was good. but it wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. that was the problem. *sigh.

so, Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire that has magic powers (all Moroi do, but as they get older, they specialize in one only). She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest and most dangerous vampires--the ones who never die. The only ways to kill them are a stake through the heart, decapitate(behead) them, and burn them.

The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa's best friend, makes her a Dhampir; she is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting Lissa from the Strigoi, who are made to be one, not born. Some people chose to be a strigoi, but some just chose to be one, for the immortality, but as they become one, they lose their humanity and their magic.

After two years of illicit freedom, Rose and Lissa are caught and dragged back to St. Vladimir's Academy, hidden in the deep forests of Montana.

Fear made Lissa and Rose run away from St. Vladimir's--but their world is filled with danger both inside and out of the Academy's iron gates. Here, the cutthroat ranks of the Moroi perform unspeakable rituals and their secretive nature and love of the night creates an enigmatic world full of social complexities. Rose and Lissa must navigate through this dangerous world, confront the temptation of forbidden romance, and never once let their guard down, unless the Strigoi make Lissa one of them forever...