Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Beastly by Alex Finn

This is a romance/fantasy novel written by Alex Finn. I love reading this modern fairy tale book and it took me very little time to read this book because it was fast but interesting at the same time. The book is about a very vain boy (Kyle) who would think that he was better than anybody because of his look, so one day a witch curse him, turning him into a hideous beast and gave him 2 years to find someone who would love him and he would've love that person back, it would've been proven by a kiss. The days goes on and he was 'locked' up in a house not wanting to go outside because of his appearance, he lives with his trustworthy maid (Madga) and his blind tutor - they were both paid by his father who was a very rich man and think that his son was a disgrace because of how he looks now. His interest now was to read book, study and gardening - planting roses was now his hobby. One night a man broke into his house but Kyle (change his name to Adrian) caught him on camera so the man would trade his daughter to be free. Kendra the girl that Adrian thought could break the curse came to his house and was force to live there. They soon become friends and trusting in each other...
This book is one of my favourite book to read throughout this reading challenge because the plot is simple but the author made it very amusing and interesting to read.

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