Saturday, April 23, 2011

Unique - Alison-Allen Gray

One afternoon, when Dominic was cleaning out the attic with his half mad Granpa, Pops, he found a photo album, with pictures of his childhood. However, as he aged in the photos, he couldn't remember himself being there. But what really freaked him out was the last pisture:a pisture of himself, 3 years older. How on earth could that be possible? That couldn't be he asked Pops, who told that that was the old Dominic, Dominics brother. Dominic had a brother, who he never knew excisted, who looked exactly like him and who even had the same name as himself. Why had his parents not said anything about this other Dominic? He wanted answers. So, later, Dominic asked his mother if he had had a brother. But insted of saying 'no, how did that crazy idea pop into your head?' she aasked how he found out. In an extremely scared voice. So Dominic told that he had found the album, and that he wanted to know more. But she wouldn't tell him. Nor would his father. Why were they being so secretive about this? well, if they weren't gonna tell him, he would find out himself...And that's when the chaos began.

I found this book interesting as it was unlike anything I had ever read before. This book was really good at the beginning, I thought that it got a little boring as most of it was Dominic being really angry and confused about what he had found out about himself. Also the ending was a bit cramped as most of the eciment was squished into the last 7-ish pages. The ending was a bit disappointing as it ended quite suddenly and I didn't get to know what would happen to Dominic. Eventhough there's quite a bit of bad critique here, I would recommend this book for a quick read, as reall, it is a rather enjoyable book.


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