Friday, April 1, 2011

Frostbite - Richelle Mead - 336 pages

Rose Hathaway in in her senior year at St.Vladmir’s. in six months, she’ll be a full fledged guardian, and she’s got only one Moroi in her mind, her best friend Lissa.

Rose was on her way take her Qualifier. She's going to be tested by one of the guardian greats, Arthur Schoenberg. Since he cannot leave the Moroi royal house he is guarding, Rose and her teacher, Dimitri, are coming to them.

Instead of a healthy and alive household, what they find is slaughter, everywhere. All Moroi and Dhamphir members of the household are dead--apparently a plot by the Stigoi vampires and humans in conjunction.

St. Vladimir's reacts with alarm. The school won't be allowing the students to leave on Christmas break. Instead, a ski resort will host all the students together and attendance is compulsory.

Then--another Royal house is attacked and it becomes obvious the Strigoi are set to attack all the Moroi royalty and end the lines. While the Moroi are arguing defense, some of the factions are considering a more offensive approach--which, to this point, has been forbidden.

But rose and her friends cant stand just sitting there, waiting while the other Guardians do nothing, only wait for orders from the royal court that seem to never come. So they set off, to search and kill strigoi. They all knew it was a suicide mission, as everyone knows, the strigoi are ‘immortal’.

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