Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Artemis Fowl by Eion Colfer

This is one of the most popular books ever written for children my age so I was very eager to start reading this book. So far I must say it is well written and very creative. I have read up to page 124. My favourite character is definitly Butler, who is Artemis' assistant. Personally, I think he is awesome as his description states that he is, well, AWESOME! I really recommend this book because it is action packed. I hope will get to read the rest of the series.

cirque du freak

Darren Shan is a normal boy like every others, but after one performance that he had seen change everything. that performance could only be the "cirque du freak",

the show travels around the world and often perform at mid-night because the show is banded. the reason is because the owner finds freaks and make them perform on stage, afterward the owner just treat them like dirt.

Darren went to one of the performance which is near his house. he saw lots of awsome actors but the one he is interested in most is Madam Octa, a spider. so after the show Darren sneak in and stole the spider away from her owner. but darren doesn't know who the owner is, he is the creature of night, a vampire.

Sooner or later, Darren finds himself in dangerous adventure. he then knows more about vampires. but that is just the beggining, more blood actions and battles will be showned in this book. find it out for yourself....

Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets

This book is the 2nd book in the harry potter series which brings excitment to Harry's second year in Hogwart. The story starts of with Harry returning to Hogwart for his 2nd year. Harry discovered that he can now mage to speak to snakes. Thats when the book starting to get spooky and intense. His developement as the main character reflects that he will take more difficult challenge in the future! Harry and Ron was suspecting that sometimes has not gone right so they try to get Draco Malfoy attention and get his thoughts on the Chamber that they are talking about. During the Hogwart academic year many students have been infacted into freeze frame where than cant move including 1 of Harry's best friend Hermoine! One day where Harry found a strange diary he wrote on it to try and get some evidence about the situation and of course the diary was an unsual 1. Harry did notice that Tom Riddle most the head of Slytheron a few years back and have some mysterious relationship with the secrets of the chamber and alittle bit about Voldermort. Harry and Ron than decided to try to use Harry snake talk technique and somehow they opened the Chamber of Secrets's entrance. Harry 1 thought of coming for this short quest is to search for ron's sister Ginny and to discover more about what is going on. Tom Riddle mysterious shocked Harry where he revealed he is Voldemort. This is a big suprise! Harry than have to battle the deadly anaconda which is about 30m or longer. Harry was intiminated and scared but at the end of the day Harry still got the job done which shows he is a well developed and dertirment main character.

This book i really enjoyed and i would still enjoy it more than watching the actual film!

Okay, Transformers, Advanced Novelization

Normally, I don't go around reviewing these type of books because they are too long with nearly 350 pages each but, with a cheap price of 99,000D, it's definitely a book you should have on your shelf at home. It has no pictures, but it has an engaging story, written by Alan Dean Foster, he really throws himself onto the typewriter. I haven't read the second book yet. But still. This one is good.

Tell me no Lies

Tell me no lies is a good book. It was based on 2 kids, Mike and Gemma and in the chapters it keeps changing between there point of view which has a good effect since you could hear how different there thoughts are. Throughout the book there is a deep secret about Mike and his family. Gemma thinks she knows what happened after seeing something about it in the newspaper a long time ago and so starts blackmailing him but then she hears of the truth. Don't worry I haven't given it all away. It is very good and I couldn't stop reading since I really wanted to know what had happened. It is very much of a cliffhanger in some of the chapters. They would tell you a bit of a clue and so you would like to read on and see what it leads to. And when it builds up tension and then the chapter ends. The writer also put in a bit of humour at times but it is also sad it makes you htink about the people who's lives are so different and about how lucky some of us are. It is very good book.

So much to tell you - John Marsden (Christies)

In honest words, i hate reading, and so i am not really motivated to read at all. i find it boring and a waste of time although i try to read.

This book is complicating because i am not quite sure why this girl called "..." it doesn't actually tell in the book but, for now i'll call her Kathy. So far i read until the middle of the book and the reason why i find it complicating is because Kathy doesn't speak, she can, but she doesn't want to. Kathy is exactly the definition of the word 'Shy'. She would freeze up when someone is near her, she would ignore someone when someone talks to her hoping for that person to go away and get the message that she doesn't want to talk to people, but what makes it so complicated for me is that why can't she speak, there isn't anything wrong with her and she doesn't choose to speak. Which reminds me, she is also exactly like the definition of 'Loner'.

Furthermore, i find this book complicating as well as interesting because the Journal that she writes in which is the book itself slowly describes her relationship with her parents and how they are so far apart and how much she thinks about her family even though hating them for leaving her at the school, she goes through times and areas where she feels sadness, astonishment and peacefulness. The journal seems to open her mind into what she really feels and i find it interesting because even though she doesn't talk she really observes everything happening around her. She listens to people even though in the corner of the room without making attention to herself almost as if a NINJA ! :D

I'll continue reading the book in a while, but for now that's my thoughts about it.

Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero

Right now i am reading the book Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero. This book just came out and it is a new series however it is connected to another well known series, Percy Jackson. This book is about Jason a 16 year old boy who had a memory loss he can't remember a single thing and now he just pops up in this bus and a boy called Leo claimed that Jason was his best friend and a girl called Piper claimed that she was his girlfriend. He had no idea who these two people were. Soon things became worst. Jason, Leo and Piper soon find out that they were no ordinary people and actually they were demi gods. Half human half gods. Soon they were attacked by demons sent by Hades, things went all wrong and suddenly they were taken away by a girl called Annabeth, to a camp. She explained to them that they were heading towards Camp Half Blood for people who are half human half gods. From the first time they reached camp all of them knew that something was wrong. Everyone was talking about someone called Percy Jackson and how he dissapeared three days ago. Soon Piper and Leo found out who there god parent was. However as for Jason he was different to the others, and soon this different thing about him becomes a threat...for everyone at Camp Half Blood. Soon the three of them are sent on a quest to free a god that is imprisoned and to retrieve Jason's memory...
I'm really excited to find out what troubles is Jason and his friends have to face on this dangerous quest.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the book i'm reading right now

The sea of monsters (percy jackson and the olympians: book 2)

In The Sea of Monsters, a 13-year-old demigod Percy Jackson goes on a quest with his friend Annabeth (daughter of Athena) and Tyson, a Cyclops, who happens to be Percy's half brother. They go to save Thalia's pine tree, which has been poisoned mysteriously , and to save Grover, Percy's best friend. In order to get the Golden Fleece, which will heal the tree, he must travel across the omious Sea of Monsters to an island guarded by the Polyphemus and his man-eating sheep, where his friend Grover is trapped. Throughout the journey, Percy, Annabeth and Tyson face many challenges, such as the Sirens, Scylla, and Hydra. During the climax of the book the trio fights with Luke, an old friend. Back at camp, since Thalia's tree is injured, the magical borders of Camp Half-Blood have been going down, allowing monsters to enter the camp. Chiron has also been suspected as a perpetrator, and replaced by the extremely antagonistic Tantalus, who was cursed to an eternal fast for serving his own children at a feast for the gods. In the end, Percy rescues Grover, defeats Polyphemus (with help from Tyson, who was thought to be dead by that time), and retrieves the Golden Fleece. Chiron is re-hired and everything seems to be perfect. When they return to camp, the camp places the Fleece on the tree. The next day, Grover awakens Percy to find out that the Golden Fleece also brought Thalia back to life. Giving Kronos another chance to control the prophecy.

This is only the second book and there's not much action and so it's not as interesting as book 3,4,5 and so on. but i still bought this book because i wanted to buy the whole series of Percy Jackson and i don't want to miss out one book; and also maybe if i skip a book, if i read the next book i won't understand what's going on.

Romeo and Juliet

I personally think that the play Romeo and juliet is very interesting. I feel that throughout the play it kept me excited because inbetween scenes and acts there were exhillarating moments. At the start of the script (before i read it), I thought that it would be boring to read because Shakespere was famous so long ago and wrote his plays in 1585 and I thought that it wouldent be very interesting in 2010. I also at the start (before reading the script) that 251 pages would be dull to read, especially the fact that it was a script. Lastly at the begging (before I had even read the book) I felt that it would be complicated to read because the words that shakespeare invented were words like thoe, thy and ode, therefore I wouldent understand it, as a result it would be uninteresting. When i read the contents page and the introudution page, I found out that Shakespere had invented hundreads of fasinating words, (some that we even use today). I also found out from the introduction page that he was extreamely rich and powerfull and his plays were very famous. lastly I found out that Shakespere would write this plays for the king which consiquentily made him famous. When I started reading the Shakespearien script, it grew on me, I felt the same emotion that the charectars in the script did. I also thought that the play was interesting because when the charectars spoke I could emagine the dramatic movements that they made. In addition, every page that I turned to, on the left was a bunch of words and there meanings. I looked at the modern words that we use today on the left, then when i looked back to the Shakespereran words in the play on the right, I learnt the meanings of the Shakespearean words which was a fun thing to do. The negative things that I feel were not so good in the Shakespearen play was the lenght of the play. I think that the play, (if it was acted out) would go on for to long. Therefore it would bore the audience and would be hard to understand and take in what is happening throughout the play. Overall I feel that the script is very entertaining apart from one negative thing.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

At the moment I'm reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - the 4th book in the series. Harry just completed the second task (to swim to the bottom of the lake, find the merpeople and get Ron out of the lake in less than an hour), however, he was well without the time limit because he waited for all the other campions to get their person back to the shore...which is kinda stupid as he could've been the first to return to the shore. But eventhough Harry was really late, he came second because of the fact that he waited for all the hostages to get out of the water, which showed 'moral fibre'. So Harry is really happy that he completed the task, but it was only because Dobby helped him like 10 minutes before the task. on the next Hogsmead weekend, Harry aranged to meet up with Sirius (his godfather) and he is really looking forward to that as he rarely sees Sirius. But the in potions, Hermione finds out that Rita Skeeter did a piece of writing on her in Witch Weekly which basicly says that harry is in love with her (which he isn't) and that she is play with his heart. I really don't like Rita, she's such a liar! I'm really interested to find out how Rita knew that hagrid is half giant...and to find out what happens next! This is a REALLY GOOD book and I would recomend it to everyone!




One of the books that I really liked is "Tunnels"
Why do I like it? Well you will find out in a moment...

This is a story about a 14 year old boy called Will Burrows, who lives in London with his family.

He does not look like his mom, his dad, Mr. Burrows, not even his sister. His parents always tend to argue. The only common thing he have with his dad is the passion of digging. (mines, tunnels, etc)

One day, after an afternoon of digging with his bestfriend, Chester, his parents have a really big arguement. Which ends with Will thinking that a divorce is on its way.
Few days after argument his father dissapears after visiting an unknow gallerie (mines and tunnels).
Will and Chester decided to investigate and they find out that there is a hidden door in their basement leading to mysterious tunnels.
But they don't know that this discovery will mark the beginning of a very long, exciting, thrilling journey, that will happen far away in the Earth's crust. They will uncover alot of terrible and dark secrets... Will will know the truth behind his family, they will find out that Humains are not the smartest beings on the planet...

But knowing all of these secrets might cost their lives and all the people living at the surface...

The Book I'm Reading Now

Okay, I'll admit it, I don't know the name of the book I am currently reading...That's what comes from not looking at the cover ever. But it is about a boy (about 17 years old) called Rand, who lived in a farming village when suddenly attacked by Trolloks, a creature thought just to be in legends. Trolloks were made by "The Dark One." (A very inventive name, I know, but it is like Voldemort - he who cannot be named. His real name is Shai'tan) When he was low on soldiors, he combined animals to create creatures strong, fast, aggresive, and intelligent enough to take orders. He mixed human genes with those such as boars, goats, bears and wolves, to create Trollocs. The town Rand lives in was suddenly attacked by these beasts, and Rand found out that they were trying to kill either him, or his friends Perrin or Mat, or all three. He found this out from an Aes Sedai, a group of women who are like witches, and they can do magical abilities and are said to serve the Light (god), but in stories always portrayed as quite evil, even though they are fighting for good. She tries to take them to Tar Valon, a city full of Aes Sedai, and on the way they face many Trollocs, Fades and other evil beasts, so they have to go to an abandonned city. Rand and his friends decide to explore and meet a man who offers gold if they do something for him. Mat, who is often headfast agrees for all of them, but Rand is wary, and sees the man has no shadow! The man then turns into a spirit and attacks them, hiding in shadows. When teh boys return to their camp, the Aes Sedai tells them why they went there, a story about the Trolloc Wars, and why Trollocs are scared to go there.

It is a really good book, and it is very long which means I don't have to buy another one :P It's storyline is excellent (though how I tell it , it seems dull), and it also has details to stir emotions, usually fear through dreams, battles and strange creatures.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

5 Great Plays From Shakespeare

I was obviously walking around in PageOne in Hong Kong, when I saw this collection of books by Shakespeare, written by the great man himself, well, told by the original script. The book is consisted of 5 of Shakespeare's greatest plays including, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Julius Caesar, all are rewritten from the original script. Romeo and Juliet actually follows the same script we had in school! Peewee, you guys really need this collection on your shelf at home. I'm currently reading Macbeth. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This is about my name (Eleanor)

My parents have chosen my name to be Eleanor Jade Spencer-Harty because they thought it was a beautiful name. I found out that Eleanor has the meaning of light. My middle name jewel was chosen becasue it is a precious jewel of the far east; furthermore my name was chosen to be Jade becaus I was born in Thailand and in Thailand Jade is a jewel stone. In adddition I was told that a few sucsessful singers, actresses and buisness woman had the name of Eleanor. Truthfully i like my name Eleanor because it is a rare name. This is because most peopel have the name Ellie which is completely different, moreover it sounds fairly elegant and a bit like a princess. The things i dislike about my name is when it is spelt backwards, this is becaus it has no meaning, as well as my last name is pronounced Spencer-Harty but some people spell it Spencer-Hearty (like a heart). Another thing that i find annnoying is when peopel say my last name is Harty-Spencer, instead of Spencer-harty. My hole family has a different nickname for me including my friends and teachers. My dad calls me ells bells, my mum calls me Eleanor, my little brother (Charlie) calls me Elly, my big brother (Matt) callls me El, my friends calll em Ellie and most teachers call me Ellie as well, thats unless thay call me Eleanor. I assume that people nickname me because it is easier to remember. i also beleve that peopel nicknaem me because it sounds better adnd that it is easier to say. Lastly i suppose taht peopel nickname me because it is a fun friendly thing to do.

My Name

This was written the day it was set, but was turned in on the day it was

My name Stephen, just plainly means ‘CROWN’, but my name also comes in different variations such as Stephen, Steven, Stefan, and Stefano. It is a Greek name, too. It indeed may sound rather royal and rich, but I’m afraid I’m not that kind. The reason I got this name was rather awkward, my father never knew it meant crown but gave it to me because he liked the name and because he could easily translate it. See-Tai-Phan.

My surname, Mok, only means ‘to not learn the wrong’. I do not really understand what it 100% means because my parents refuse to tell me more. Obviously it is from Hong Kong Cantonese language only, which makes me feel unique, but I do not know anything about who it originated from (not the Dragon King). The reason I have this name is simple, because it’s my family’s name! I should join the militia, because it runs in the family. Yes, there obviously a lot of people making fun of my name.

My middle name and last name, Man Hin, means ‘poet’ even though I’m not a good one either. It is also of a Cantonese origin, I was not named after any famous people I know apart from my cousin, Mok Man Wai, otherwise, Daniel Mok. I believed that this name became popular in Hong Kong when England returned it to China. Yippee! Well, the reason for this name is to ‘stop boys from being feminine’ sort of thing, hmm…

Anh Tu a name that could be given to god :D (My Name)

My full name is Lam Quang Anh Tu. My mother and father named me this name after the word 'Tuan Tu' in Vietnamese this means a bright star in the sky to shine down on people. The 'Anh' in my name does not really have a meaning except for brother but that's not what it's for. The word Anh is like a prefix of all the names that my Grandfather gave to his grandson for example: Anh Tuan, Anh kiet...there is also further meaning in my name such as 'Quang' which means bright which is related to 'Tu'. Lam in my name means forest so basically my name kind of means bright forest...which is weird but hey it's my name after all. People also makes up nicknames for me(my dad and friends) they call me A.T, Anh THU!!!(girl but sounds the same in English not Vietnamese), Anh CU(not even going on about that insult...),Anh Tuuuuuuuuuuuuu and many more. I also have a nick name as most 7B might know which is Bean (common Vietnamese nickname) and in Vietnamese it means a bean(dau)...but in Vietnamese there is another meaning of this which is similar to clever. I also searched in the dictionary for the meaning of my name and it says Elegant and Clever which adds up to AWESOME. So basically my name is Bright Star,Bright Forest,Elegant and Clever which adds up to AWESOME like I said before.

I really like my name even though there is some bad things about it but i guess my name i my name after all so who wouldn't like their name.

Look what an awsome name i have!!!!!!

my name... Nguyễn Quang Trung lập.... what could it mean?

To start with finding out about my name, firstly it is a combination of my two older brothers names.
Nguyễn- my sir name
Quang- my second oldest brother name and means king
Trung- my oldest brother name and is a really common name for vietnamese people
Lập- my name (yeah) means independent when it goes with the word "độc" (độc lập), eccentric, peculiar and wacky when it goes with the word "dị" (lập dị) and lập itself means to form, to establish, to set up. example-to set up a company, to form a relief committee.

also, i was name after the place i was born in, Trung Lập Thượng. it is a small town in Củ Chi.
When the war was still on, this place is use to be call Trung Lập only. But when we got invaded by france for a couple of hundreds years. they separate this town into Trung Lập Thượng and Trung Lập Hạ. so now there is two part of the town. when we won France and kicked them out of the country, we still then haven't put the town back together. so we now still have a separated town. i was born in Trung Lập Thượng.

That is the vietnamese meanings. but when it came to the English meanings..... the name Lập beacame really wierd.

Since in English, there is no  Á À Ả à Ạ and stuff, my name is only lap. lap also have many meanings in English as lap dance, 1 lap and lap itself. many people find it funny then start teasing me about it.

like when someone ask what my name then i say "lap". in reply they then ask" then is your sir name dance?" that is the akward moment and i just have to be silent and walk away.

also when someone came up to me and say "hey lap, now run one lap." the guy then just laugh crazily about the joke and i just finds it stupid.

in conclusion, my name have a good side and a bad side. not much people make fun of it now cause i think they never notice or it is because they don't bother to. except a man called Mr. Pollicut, my english teacher. he said "lap, when i became a famous author, i will write a book about a boy who go to school normaly in the day, but at night he goes to the bar then start lap dancing." he also said lap dancing was my career and i just find that lame cause i haven't seen anyone doing a lap dancing yet, or ever will.

now you know what my name is, tell me about yours by blogging on this website. so then i could make fun of you when we came to school. hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

Meaning of My Name

My full name is Trinh Mai Phuong Paula. I prefer to be called Paula since my Vietnamese name isn't that easy to pronounce, that is also the reason why my parents gave me an English name. My name, Paula, means small which is quite strange because I'm not really small. Also, it's origin is Latin and a feminine form of Paul. It was not used widely in English-speaking countries until the 20th Century. In the meantime, it was mainly used as a German name. When I was living in Poland, everyone pronounced Paula differently, they said P-ow-la so instead of 'au' they said 'ow' because in Polish that's how you would say it. Originally my name was meant to sound like that but now that everyone pronounces it differently, I got used to it and I don't really mind.
My Vietnamese middle name Mai means cherry blossom or apricot blossom, all the siblings in my family have that middle name - Mai Anh, Mai Linh, Mai Van. My middle name also means tomorrow in Vietnamese, plus, it is the name of a beautiful flower that blossoms during Tet. My Vietnamese name Phuong means phoenix, which I think is pretty cool. I don't know what my surname Trinh means, all I know is it is from my dads side of the family. My parents gave me this name, because they simply liked it, well thats what my mum told me (she was too busy to talk).

I really like my name because I think it suits me (not the small part) and I like writing it. However, I get annoyed when people say it as Pola or don't know how it's spelt.

I am usually called Paula at school and Phuong at home, here are some nicknames I had.
- Pork-chop, this nickname was given to me by a friend called Wiebe. Honestly, I really hated it, because it's weird and I don't like to be referred to as a food.
- P.T, my initials, this nickname was created by Ruchi and still used now as she seems to call people by their initials.
- Paul, Kha Han likes to call me Paul, I don't know why, but I guess she thinks its funny.
- Paulz, my best friends Kayla and Kaho created this by adding a z, they did that to their own name as well.
- Pow Cow, this nickname I truly hate, I think it was created by Anh Tu and I despise him of it.
- Bunny, I think this nickname is really bizarre, Alyssa created this and she gave everyone a animal nickname (for some strange reason).
There may have been more but I can't remember them at the moment.

The meaning of an awesome name ;) - Christies

Hello, as we all know in class, each of our names have meanings

My full name is : Jan Christies Dagatan Paglinawan

Jan doesn't really have a meaning, it is usually at the starting of most filipino names like my other syblings ...

JANgee - older brother
JANice - older sister
JAN Sotheby - younger sister
JAN Keneth - cousin

Christies is what i have explained in class, my dad works as a furniture designer and so there was a book about furnitures called "Christie's" . My dad just took out the ' and named me Christies. My name was after an auction house in America. (My little sister 'Sotheby' is also named after an auction house.)

Dagatan isn't actually a word but 'Dagat' sea. Dagatan is from my mums side of the family. Paglinawan isn't actually a word as well, it's my dad's last name although i think 'Pagli' means peace or freedom, something similar to calmness. so it's like 'Sea of Peace' as my last name.

Very random for Christies. Although if you search for the word Christie it means A christian and i am actually christian and so it could be similar to what my name means :D


My Name

The meaning of my name is, fights with honour. My name was chosen for me because my mum always thought that Louise was a beautiful name. So she named me, her first daughter Louise. I like my name but sometimes it gets annoying because it is hard to write with really nice handwriting. And some people call me, Lu, LuLu or Loui and they are really just saying it because that is what the first part of my name sounds like, but loo means toilet and it sounds exactly the same so really they are just calling me toilet. And my last name is Bredesen and I really don't like it when people spell my name wrong, they write Breadesen. And my first name becomes Louis, Luise or just Lois which I'm ok with but it can get annoying if they never realize what I am telling them it is spelt as. Something else is that me and my siblings all have a middle name that says something about us and it wasn't even done intentionaly, forexample my little sister's middle name is Liv which means life in Danish and when she was born she nearly lost her life, my little brother's middle name is Emil which is the name of a very unbehaved boy in a kids film by Astrid Lindgren (though it was written in Swedish) and my little brother is sometimes very badly behaved, my big brother's middle name is Thor which is the name of a very aggresive Scandinavian god and my big brother can be quite aggresive and last but not least my middle name is Siv which oin Danish is a type of long, thin wheat and the meaning is that when i was born and I stretched out I was as thin and long as the wheat thing. (my mum told me most of this actually) That is the meaning and all the other information about my name.

by: Louise :D

My name

My full name is Vuong Dieu Ban. I am not really sure what does it mean but my parents used to tell me that why they named me Ban. First of all, my parents are Chinese so they have plenty of weird believes and customs. When I was born, my dad went to the soothsayer to ask how to name me. Looked at the perpetual calendar, I am aqua. Water will be better with tree so when name me, my dad said that it must be word which had both tree and water in side. Chinese is a bit special I think, it has lots of sets, like if you want to write the word "flower" or something has to do with grass, we have to add the grass set on the top of that word. My name is the same of that. The double cross with two comma at the side represented the trees, three commas came next showed water. That was the word which had both of them inside so my dad decided to give me that name. But because I was born in Vietnam, the name had to be in Vietnamese so when my name was translated from Chinese to Vietnamese, it became Ban. My family name is Vuong, which means King. The one I hate most is my middle name Dieu. My dad said that Dieu is bright, brilliant, radiant family. But the time I went to school, about year 3 I remembered, my friends, he called me Diu Ban, he missed the "e" but that leaded to a serious issue. In vietnamese, we have some similar sound-homonymous. Dieu and Diu read the same but the meaning is diffrent. Diu means girly. From that day on, he called me girly Ban, Ban girly. That was realy irritate me. Well, Vuong Dieu Ban is my name after all, whether i hate it or not, i have to accept it. I don't have a nick name, don't know why. I realize that name is our but people use that more than us-and maybe that's why we have a name.

about my name

My real name is actually Le Hoang Anh. My parents picked that name because well, i don't really know why they picked that name but i think it's because it's a nice and it's a common name (i think). At school everyone calls me Susan so i'll just talk about this name.

The name Susan means:
Graceful lily: Your broad vision, perceptive powers and compassion gives you an instinctive

understanding of peoples needs. You are a natural leader who has a talent for inspiring and

teaching others and always display fairness, honesty and integrity. You are always seeking a

new challenge for your vast creative potential.

This is what i found out about my name on the internet. Le is my father's last name and is

also the last name of many famous people during the old days. For example: Le Loi, Le

Thanh Tong,...etc. I chose the name Susan (actually i didn't choose it, my teacher did)

because it's an easy name and it's easy to pronounce it, and i don't want people to misspell or

say it incorrectly. i don't really like this name, if i could change it i would. Everyone can say

my name right since it's not that hard. My friends usually call me (my nicknames):
_socks (very secretive)

There are a lot more nicknames but i can't name them all. There are way too much and i forgot most of them.

The Meaning of my name

My name in Korean is Jee Hoon Lee.
'Lee' the last name is from my father which was also the last name of the first king of the country Cho Sun. There are lots of people who have Lee for their last name because the king who had that last name made lots of wifes because he did not want other regions' bosses to overthrown to him. 'Jee' means knowledge and 'Hoon' means to learn. So my name actually means to know and to learn the knowledge. I think it is a quite a nice name because there are not many names like mine but also not too rare. Also I like the meaning of my name beacuse learning is one of the most important things in the world. My nick name is Jason which is the name I'm called at school. It became my nick name since I went to acadamy and I chose my nick name to be Jason because the pronunciation of my Korean name'Jee Hoon' was simillar to my nick name Jason.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Meaning Of My Name

Marc Krystopher Meinhardt
My name, Marc (best name ever) comes from a romain god called Mars, who is the god of war and protecter of Rome. In Latin, Marc is Marcus. Marc use to be a really popular name around 1940 to 1980's. Today, it is the 43rd most popular name in the top 50.
My Middle name, Krystopher (also the best name ever) is from the late Greek name Chritophoros meaning 'bearing Christ'. To make my name original my parents switch the letters 'C' and 'I' from Chritopher, to a 'K' and 'Y'. As an English given name, it has been generally used since the 15th century. It is a name which has been used by famous people like:
_The three kings of Denmark (usually spelled Christoffer)
_Christopher of Bavaria who also ruled Norway and Sweden.
_Other famous bearers including the italian explorer, Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)
My Nicknames (best nicknames ever) are:
_In my last school, my friends use to call me M&M's because of my innitials (M. M.)
_My mum invented my sir name's nickname, 'My heart' because most of the people we met had hard time pronouncing it.
_My friends used to call me Marco and today some call me Marcus
_And a nickname for my Middle name, Krys shorter versions for Krystopher.

My Name

Marc Krystopher Meinhardt
My name, Marc (best name ever) comes from a roman god called Mars, who is the god of war and protector of Rome. In Latin, Marc is Marcus. Marc use to be a very popular name around the 1940's to 1980's. Today, it's the 43rd most common name in the top 50.
Some of the Famous name bearers:
_Marco Polo
_Marc Jacobs
And lots more...
My Middle name, Krystopher (also the best name ever) is from the late Greek name Christophoros meaning 'bearing Christ'. To make my name original my parents switch the letters 'C' and 'I' from Christopher, to a 'K' and 'Y'. As an English given name, it has been generally used since 15th century. It is a name which has been used by famous people like:
_Christopher of Bavaria who also ruled Norway and Sweden
_other famous bearers including the italian explorer, Chrisopher Columbus (1451-1406)
My nicknames:
_In my last school they use to call me M&M's because of my initials
_My mum made up a sir name, My Heart, because it was sometimes hard to pronounce.
_My Friends call me Marco or Marcus
_And Krys, a shorter version of Krystopher

Homework: Meaning of My Name

My full name is Nikita Dane. Nikita basically means victorious people it origins from Slovakia. I was named after a song called Nikita by Elton John my dad liked this song so much that he decided to name me after the song itself, my mum thought that the name Nikita was also a very beautiful name and it fitted me well. My last name Dane is Indian and in Hindi it means nuts, even though my last name may mean so different to my first name i still really like it. However sometimes when people pronounce my last name wrong it can become annoying, i don't really mind though. I really like my name i think that it fits me well i have heard the song that i was named after and it was not so bad. I like my name because there is a very interesting meaning behind it.
I also have a lot of nicknames used by my friends, here are some of my nicknames:
- Nikki(A very common nickname)
-Nick( My sister made this nickname for me because she said it is shorter)
-Nicku(My dad made this nickname for me)
- Nicko ( My brother made this nickname for me because he thinks it' s better)
-Nickelodeon( Gabby made this nickname for me)
These are a few of my nicknames, I
These are a few of the nicknames i have. I have these nicknames because first of all it is shorter and easier to say it.

My Name

My full name is Nguyen Khac Tam. In my point of view i dont really get what this actually means but i have a reasonable explanation why i was named Tam. Mostly because my dad and grandpa surname all starts with the word "T"(Thao, Thanh) which why my dad decided to continue our generation with another T member which is me! I've heard that this T word could be a success or good luck that are given to our family and generation. This i think also means that if we are nice and kind to everyone success and good fortune will be given to us rather than failing and bad fortune! For me at the first place i thought this name was for a girl because and are several of popular women singer that are named Tam in Vietnam. But then i realise that the name was quite cool and interesting and i met a few male also named Tam which then iam not that embarass in public. There are quite a few nicknames made by me by my friends and other people but iam glad that none of them are that most insulting.
Tamy Wamy(made by seaho)
French fries(made by kissum)
Tam xia rang(means i pick my teeth with toothpick)(made by Anh Khoa and Tuan hao)
My most favorite one is 'Tam the Champ'(made by my old school friend). I think that this nickname was reasonable and rhymes together which make sense because when i was in primary in my old school i use to be a fanstastic basketballer and a tough to beat video gamer which kids my age are interested in!

about my name.

My full name is Xuan Nhat Dang. Xuan means the season Spring in Vietnamese, the reason why my parents name me this is Xuan means joyful, happy and everything which is the opposite of a gloomy day I suppose, my middle name which is Nhat means day and also means the sun, so when Xuan and Nhat are put together it can mean a sunny spring day. I was almost name something related to the season Autumn because I was born on that season but my parents decided that it was too common so they name me after the season Spring instead because they think it is a better season to be named after. So, I really like my name because it has a cool meaning behind it that I didn't understand much until now. My last name is Dang, which sounds different in English because it doesn't have the Vietnamese marks on it, and I like my last name too. Gabby gave me nicknames like Xuanny or Sunny or Dangyy which is strange and sometimes it gets annoying but i'll be fine with it, I haven't have any more nicknames and hopefully no more in the future!

My Name

My full name is Ansh Malik, but if my nickname is added it is Ansh Karan Malik. In India name is not recorded in the hospital, when the baby comes back home from the hospital there is a religious ceremony in which the priest, according to the date of birth, time of birth and the position of the planets, announces the options for the first letter of the child's name. The Options for my name was A, S and D.My first name that was decided was actually Karan, I had that name for a couple of years. I dont know why my mother came up with the name Karan because it was not in the letter options. But my parents found out that during those years I was sick a lot. My grandmother told my parents that they should change my name because maybe my name was bad luck for me. So my parents decided the name Ansh and that is how I got my name. Some nick names( Which i absolutely hate) that i have are: Ant, Anshy, Milk, Milo, Ansh chi chi, Angelina, I hate almost all of thos names. My mother calls me Anshu, my father calls me Anshu Punchu and my little brother call me Anku or Anshy Bhaiya, Baiya means Brother.
Name Meanings of my family:
Me: Ansh: A part of something.
My little brother: Aryan: A really famous worrior tribe in India they were really strong called 'the Aryans'.
My Father: Vishal: Big
My Mother: Meena: Fish

By: Ansh Malik

my name.


The Meaning of my Name

My name, Caroline, means beautiful woman. At first, my mum just wanted to call me Mathilda (my middle name) , but then she decided that she wanted to give me a name that could be said in most languages, an international name. In Denamrk, there used to be a Queen named Caroline Mathilda, however, I wasn't named after her, as my mum just choose the names she liked best, it was random.I like my name because it has an awesome meaning and because I think it suits me. I don't really have any mum sometimes calls me honey (but in danish, 'skat'), my maid used to call me Carol...but apart from that, I have no nicknames.

By Caroline 8S

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why I am named James

Greetings, Mr Pollicutt.

I've been contacted by some relatives and have to take this down.

That is all.


Name Meanings

(To find out your meanings, there are a lot of names at ... :) If your name isn't there...sorry :D)

My name is Gabrielle(Margaret) Cullen. Gabrielle means, "Hero of God", which is also what the male name, "Gabriel" means. My middle name, Margaret, means A Pearl. I think my first name was chosen just because my parents liked it, because I don't know of any relatives with that name, or any famous people my parents admire. My middle name, however, was chosen because both my grandmothers' first names were Margaret. I like my name, though I would rather be called by my nickname, "Gabby" and hardly anyone ever calls me by my full name. I also like my last name, depite that Stephanie Meyers ruined the name for eternaty and people tease me. Sucks for them though, because they actually read the horrible book. The name Cullen was originally an Irish sirname and spellings and pronounciation can vary from Cullen to Quillinaine. It means "good-looking lad."
Some of the nicknames I have are:
-Gabby, my most common nickname, because it is short and suits me much more than Gabrielle.
-Gabbages, a name that my friend made up when I kept texting them the word Cabbages.
-Gab, a shorter normal nickname.
-Goo Monster, a nickname my dad made up. I don't know why.
-Fuzzy, part of a warrior name (Warriors is a book), came from the website where they choose your warrior name. Some friends call me that online (Hsin, Caroline Crawford)
-Garbage: We were just making us weird nicknames for each other last week.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Percy jackson and the last olympian

this is the main show down and also my favourite book through the whole series. it is diffrent to others as that we do not have a quest individually by campers but everyone in camp them-selves have to go to the warzone and fight for olympus.

you will then feel the coldness in the night of monster yelling and the look of sleeping mortals. everyone will sleep like dead and percy get to fight kronos in one-on-one. it is a lief and dead story so hold on tight while you're still alive.

this is the end of it all.

Percy jackson and the battle of the labyrinth

in this book, the war have started.

Campers died alot and we met one of annabeth & tyson siblings.. he is famous for the creations he create and a crime that he have commited. the jail of the minotaur is destroy.

that is about all i can tell cause this book is not the one you can talk about, you'll just have to read and experience the advature.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

I'm sure you've all heard about Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling. I think Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban is one of the best book in Harry Potter series. In this book Harry Potter got into the 3rd grade but the school in tension of the prisoner who ran away. Then Harry potter finally noticed that he was his father and mother's best freind, Serious Black. Ron's pet, rat scrabber was found out to be a friend of his father's who betrayed. Then the rat ran away and one of his proffessor became an wolf man. Harry went back to the past by using time turner and he saves the giant bird and Serious Black.
I love this book because it is imaginative and exciting. I definetly suggest you if you did not read this book.

Octavian Nothing by M.T. Anderson

This book gave me nightmares. It is the story of a boy that betrayed the entire kingdom, murdered those who were against his belief (including the king and his mother) and was then haunted by their spirits. This book is not for the light-hearted. I recommend it if you think you can take it!

Percy jackosn and the titans's curse

this book is amazing and it is probably the only book with a good ending so far. it also make us want to read the fourth book as the character Grover just mention that the great god Pan had speak to him. this make us want to read more & more until we find out what happened to Grover and does it ends up good.

also this book is the first one so far to show that Percy can face a titan. we met Atlas the titan who now is holding the weight of the sky. we also met artemis the goddess huntress so here is when she does help Percy to save the world.

there is also two other demi-gods who also join camp they will help in the big war.

to understand more about what i am talking about, you got to read this book.

The Valley of Thorns by Patrick Carman

I have been glued down to this book in all my free time, which is quite small........but I have now finished the book. The book is called the Valley of Thorns because most of the story is set there. Sadly, I have noticed that this is a sequal to another book so there is a lot of important information that I still don't understand. Over all, this book is pretty cool. It has it's twistes, mysteries. However, I do not recommend this book if you have not read the first books in the seires. This book is definitly for lovers of war.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Red Pyramide_Kane Chronicles

The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt are far from dead and buried. And so, unfortunately are their gods...

In this first book of this series (Kane chronicles), Carter and Sadie Kane
went with their dad in the British museum. Not knowing that their dad, a brilliant Egyptologist, has a secret plan which unfortunately will go horribly wrong:
An explosion explosion shatters the Rosetta Stone and unleashes
Set... The Evil god of chaos!

Set imprisons Dr Kane in a golden coffin, living our two heros forced to run for their lives.

To save their dad they have to embark on a terrifying quest from Cairo and Paris to the American South-west and discover the truth about their family's connection with the House of Life:
an Egyptian temple of magic that has existed for a thousand of years!!

Think that's tough enough?

I didn't even tell you half of it...

What do I think about it?
One word... AWESOME!!!! I read it two times!! I never get bored of the story!! All of Rick Riordan's books involves gods, which in this one involves the Egyptian gods...
Well... that's what I think about Rick Riordan's books.( read each of his books two times, some of them three).

Marc Meinhardt 8s