Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Meaning of my Name

My name, Caroline, means beautiful woman. At first, my mum just wanted to call me Mathilda (my middle name) , but then she decided that she wanted to give me a name that could be said in most languages, an international name. In Denamrk, there used to be a Queen named Caroline Mathilda, however, I wasn't named after her, as my mum just choose the names she liked best, it was random.I like my name because it has an awesome meaning and because I think it suits me. I don't really have any nicknames...my mum sometimes calls me honey (but in danish, 'skat'), my maid used to call me Carol...but apart from that, I have no nicknames.

By Caroline 8S

1 comment:

  1. So does that mean you are going to be a beautiful woman when you get older? :D
