Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Romeo and Juliet

I personally think that the play Romeo and juliet is very interesting. I feel that throughout the play it kept me excited because inbetween scenes and acts there were exhillarating moments. At the start of the script (before i read it), I thought that it would be boring to read because Shakespere was famous so long ago and wrote his plays in 1585 and I thought that it wouldent be very interesting in 2010. I also at the start (before reading the script) that 251 pages would be dull to read, especially the fact that it was a script. Lastly at the begging (before I had even read the book) I felt that it would be complicated to read because the words that shakespeare invented were words like thoe, thy and ode, therefore I wouldent understand it, as a result it would be uninteresting. When i read the contents page and the introudution page, I found out that Shakespere had invented hundreads of fasinating words, (some that we even use today). I also found out from the introduction page that he was extreamely rich and powerfull and his plays were very famous. lastly I found out that Shakespere would write this plays for the king which consiquentily made him famous. When I started reading the Shakespearien script, it grew on me, I felt the same emotion that the charectars in the script did. I also thought that the play was interesting because when the charectars spoke I could emagine the dramatic movements that they made. In addition, every page that I turned to, on the left was a bunch of words and there meanings. I looked at the modern words that we use today on the left, then when i looked back to the Shakespereran words in the play on the right, I learnt the meanings of the Shakespearean words which was a fun thing to do. The negative things that I feel were not so good in the Shakespearen play was the lenght of the play. I think that the play, (if it was acted out) would go on for to long. Therefore it would bore the audience and would be hard to understand and take in what is happening throughout the play. Overall I feel that the script is very entertaining apart from one negative thing.

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