Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Anh Tu a name that could be given to god :D (My Name)

My full name is Lam Quang Anh Tu. My mother and father named me this name after the word 'Tuan Tu' in Vietnamese this means a bright star in the sky to shine down on people. The 'Anh' in my name does not really have a meaning except for brother but that's not what it's for. The word Anh is like a prefix of all the names that my Grandfather gave to his grandson for example: Anh Tuan, Anh kiet...there is also further meaning in my name such as 'Quang' which means bright which is related to 'Tu'. Lam in my name means forest so basically my name kind of means bright forest...which is weird but hey it's my name after all. People also makes up nicknames for me(my dad and friends) they call me A.T, Anh THU!!!(girl but sounds the same in English not Vietnamese), Anh CU(not even going on about that insult...),Anh Tuuuuuuuuuuuuu and many more. I also have a nick name as most 7B might know which is Bean (common Vietnamese nickname) and in Vietnamese it means a bean(dau)...but in Vietnamese there is another meaning of this which is similar to clever. I also searched in the dictionary for the meaning of my name and it says Elegant and Clever which adds up to AWESOME. So basically my name is Bright Star,Bright Forest,Elegant and Clever which adds up to AWESOME like I said before.

I really like my name even though there is some bad things about it but i guess my name i my name after all so who wouldn't like their name.

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