Monday, November 15, 2010

Name Meanings

(To find out your meanings, there are a lot of names at ... :) If your name isn't there...sorry :D)

My name is Gabrielle(Margaret) Cullen. Gabrielle means, "Hero of God", which is also what the male name, "Gabriel" means. My middle name, Margaret, means A Pearl. I think my first name was chosen just because my parents liked it, because I don't know of any relatives with that name, or any famous people my parents admire. My middle name, however, was chosen because both my grandmothers' first names were Margaret. I like my name, though I would rather be called by my nickname, "Gabby" and hardly anyone ever calls me by my full name. I also like my last name, depite that Stephanie Meyers ruined the name for eternaty and people tease me. Sucks for them though, because they actually read the horrible book. The name Cullen was originally an Irish sirname and spellings and pronounciation can vary from Cullen to Quillinaine. It means "good-looking lad."
Some of the nicknames I have are:
-Gabby, my most common nickname, because it is short and suits me much more than Gabrielle.
-Gabbages, a name that my friend made up when I kept texting them the word Cabbages.
-Gab, a shorter normal nickname.
-Goo Monster, a nickname my dad made up. I don't know why.
-Fuzzy, part of a warrior name (Warriors is a book), came from the website where they choose your warrior name. Some friends call me that online (Hsin, Caroline Crawford)
-Garbage: We were just making us weird nicknames for each other last week.

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